looking for a serious established clan to join for a while; just haven't found my place yet.
I'm not an elitist for requirements, but i do have preferences. Please read below and msg me if your clan fits this.
Thanks, Guardians!
o Uses Discord actively and as primary communication
o Plays D2 actively
o Very good @ pvp
o Very good @ raids
o Non-toxic
o Plays together
o NA
o PS4
here are my stats
Knights of the L1ght is looking for new members to join a year one clan that is chill, laid-back and mature. -Family type clan..not a corporation with a bunch of requirements on how much you have to play. No drama...just regular folk who like to have a good time a have a ton of laughs. -Experienced in ALL raids and raid challenges including CoS and Petra’s run. -Sherpas that are patient and helpful. -Multiple raids scheduled each week. -Max clan level asap always -PvP teams for all crucible modes -Exotic weapon quests. -Menagerie teams -Members representing multiple time zones in us and uk. -Established Discord community with the Charlemagne bot for full stat tracking. I only have a select number of spots available and I’m looking for the right people to join our family. If you think you might be right for us then please private message me. Psn is LordSoth Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=613238