Nearly 2 weeks ago I was restricted from crucible & Gambit matchmaking for network issues and I was just wondering:
1. How long do these restrictions last and how can i check how longs left
2. What is the criteria for being restricted due to connection and what does "lowered threshold" mean when it says players who have been restricted are high-risk
Thank you
Restrictions are placed manually on accounts that are deemed to be repeatedly ruining game experiences for others in PVP, or gambit. Restrictions [i]will not[/i] be overturned until their duration has passed. Use this time to stabilise and improve your network connection so that you stop harming games for other players. The first restriction will last two weeks. If you do not fix your connection, the next will be two months. If you still persist in ruining the game for others, you will be permanently banned from PVP in Destiny 2. Please be considerate of others and work on fixing your connection, to avoid further repercussions.