So after that post I made a few days ago I decided “Screw it, let’s do this more often!” But instead of those cursed words, it will be other...simpler matters. Like Truck or Sports car? Or PS4 or Xbox? You get the picture. For today, the topic will be Waffles or Pancakes? [spoiler]this will be a weekly post btw[/spoiler]
Molasses Cookies
Pancakes. Buttermilk ones, with whipped butter, syrup, and sausages on the side. On a separate plate, because I like syrup on my sausage about as much as I like pineapple on my pizza (uchhh).
I love Chicken & Waffles so waffles, always waffles.
Personally I like pancakes better. I like the light and fluffy slabs of dough that mush when you bite into them. Waffles are fine, but are a bit harder and if they crunch, that's a hard pass for me. That means they're over done. Now - Natural Maple Syrup or Artificial like Aunt Jemima's or Hungry Jack Maple FLAVORED Syrup?
I usually just go with pancakes.