originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Coming back to the game after about a year break. I have hit light level 731 but want to start raiding again. Will be active almost all day. Want an active community whose willing to show me the ropes of the new raids!
Hey there! I've been apart of a really awesome clan/community over the past few years and it's been growing but isn't too big. We do over 30+ raids a week, multiple events daily, and are super chill. We have a range of hardcore players all the way to casual. No requirements to join, and the best community that I've found online. Always willing to help people through things, and have different events going on all of the time. Take a peek and there's no need to join right away or at all. Our link has our Discord to join. Pop in and say hello. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252698444