I was so excited about the new armor until i discovered that its being designed in a way to be as frustrating as possible.
My question is why? why are you creating this pain point that is sure to be an issue for every guardian. Yay got an elemental enhanced hand cannon loader that s arc. and my god roll gauntlets are solar, oh you mean they are both worthless GG bungie.
I do not trust bungie to make things not frustrating. I have run menagerie since the season started and only have 1 hive armanets mod. So i know mod drop rates are trash. And knowing bungie the best mods in this game will have horrible drop rate. So now that is one issue and what happens when the mod you want drops in a element that doesn't match your gear? your fuxcked that what happens. And that is all our futures cause this system designed is flawed as fuxk
Im just gonna treat it like any other current armor. Is it higher light? Yes - equip until i get something better No - dismantle Im not grinding that crap and i deff aint infusing it either. Im probably just going to stick with my current armor sets, to hell with 2.0 because the way things are looking i wont be buying SK anyway so 2.0 will be useless to me.