I have worked on all three classes trying to get the gear up to get the final set, but I don't have 40+ hours a week to spend on this game. I have work and classes. In the time spent working on the armor with the different classes, I have noticed a pretty large issue with the warlock armor vs the other two. The warlocks require 200 arc super kills on guardians. This is a very excessive number. Supers aren't always earned often in matches and if a team is spread out, there may only be 1-2 kills per use. Even if it made a team wipe each time, it would take at least 34 matches of 6v6 or 50 matches of 4v4. This is way too high. There is no form of this for hunters or for titans. Both of those can get the kills like this on any enemy, guardian or mob. This number needs to be reduced at least by half. This one thing alone has taken me more constant time farming than this same level of the entire armor set on another class, and I am only just above a quarter of the way done. Please read this and change this. I'd like to get the gear, but I probably won't be able to at this point.
It can be done in any activity.