originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Just migrated to PC from xbox and have 0 friends. I did all the leviathan raids in year 1 and am looking to start doing the new ones but need people to help me through them. A steady clan would be nice. Blizzard tag is Theronimo#1756
inSAni†Y is looking for both PS4 and PC players to join the clan and/or Discord to meet up and play. Want to create a small community of close knit people to play with each other on a regular basis. Looking for people who Destiny is their priority and play regularly. Also playing on both PS4 and PC would be a plus but not required. We raid. We comp. We quest. We grind. If you wanna be a part please post below or submit a request to join. New players are welcome. You wont be new for long. US based. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3239066][/url] [url=https://discord.gg/hxMjeTK][/url]