originally posted in:Clan Finder
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So looking for a new clan. Returning D2 player. Been trying to masterwork my new armor but can't ever find anyone to help. It sucks always playing by myself. I suck at pvp so dont do it much but love the raids and want to get back into doing them. Only able to play a couple days a week cause of work and kids sports. Looking for a clan that is ok with all this. Please send invite.
[u][b]Thorns of Dredgen Yor[/b][/u] [♡] [i]Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3761302[/i] Hi, my clan is relatively new, started 3-4 months ago. We're up to 85+ members, you can check us out. We're mostly NA timezones. I'm looking for members who can help with raids, or even ones [i]who want to raid[/i]. If raiding is not your thing, that's okay too. What I am [i]not looking for[/i] is players with arrogant/elitist attitudes, that has toxic vibes all over it and it has no place within my clan. Don't have much rules, just be respectful, and no discrimination of any kind. I don't have a preference on your gameplay, whether it's casual or endgame, you're still welcome. ッ