originally posted in:Clan Finder
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So looking for a new clan. Returning D2 player. Been trying to masterwork my new armor but can't ever find anyone to help. It sucks always playing by myself. I suck at pvp so dont do it much but love the raids and want to get back into doing them. Only able to play a couple days a week cause of work and kids sports. Looking for a clan that is ok with all this. Please send invite.
We are a small clan trying to get teams for raids etc. We can help with all pve aspects of the game, quests NFs etc but to do that we need you to join our chat on Band where we setup all activities. If you dont join then we cant help with things like outbreak or whisper for example. We use the Band app for all comms, it is somewhere we can all chat and have a laugh, setup raids etc....its a social chat for us.....think of it as an open family where everyone is welcome. Unfortunantly we have to say that if you dont join our band within 1 week of joining then you will be removed from the clan. We are UK based and on Xbox one. If you want help or just people to play with then check us out. Band and clan link below if your interested https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3825134 Hey, join our 'The Sol Saviours' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities! https://band.us/n/afa219A7T3YfN