originally posted in:Clan Finder
Just looking for an active PC clan to join up with for Shadowkeep. We do all content, but mostly pve. Not really looking for a big multi game gaming community clan, would just prefer a destiny 2 focused clan.
How many? 18+? NA?
Praxis Raiding Order has begun to open the doors to experience endgame players and experienced pvp player on Xbox & PC. If you have a clan or is looking for a clan and you are tired of having to play with/in a clan filled with “CASUALS” that only wants to play when its a BENEFIT for them then you have came to the right post. Join PRO to stop the casual gaming experience.... At PRO we pride ourself and community on being loyal to the members and the clan. We are just getting started and with experienced and players and sherpas to help you on the way. We know how to help our members when it comes to Light Leveling / Raiding / Sherpas / PvP / Gambit / Lore & Endgame. At PRO there is always something going on, including: Raid Scheduling / Raiding With Sherpas Hosting Parties for both PC & Xbox ( PvE & Gambit & PvP) Events and more.. So come join the team. The PREREQUISITE Required: 1) 1300 Hours in Destiny 2 (or the wiliness to get into endgame and learn) 2) 50+ Raids Clears (or the wiliness to get into raids) 3) 2 Crucible Pinnacle Weapons ((or the wiliness to get in matches) Message us on forum or private message.. Discord Names: Daedalus#7901 – PC People Homicyclops#7910 – Xbox and Discord General Reece#2971