Hi, I'm a new light player and with about 220 hours into the game and would like to join an active can to play harder content with some experienced players. I hope I can join your clan.
Hey just sent a request , just recently came back to the game and looking for some chilled players to grind with
Just sent a request on steam, i'm a crucible main power 952 warlock, i enjoy raids, strikes and quests aswell.
Just sent a request to join. I’m very active in playing destiny 2 and want to grow to become better . I would love to learn and help within the clan in all events and will be active on discord and clan chat . I’m based in Cali time
sent a request pc 957 hunter 956 warlock and 949 titan
I would be happy to join! I'm currently playing a hunter, sitting at about 912 power level and looking for a clan where I get to experience more content as a group, specially raids. I'm also new to the game, and I do have some questions every once in a while, but I do love the game. I generally play from 18:00 to 23-24h-ish Hong Kong time, which is only 1 or 2 hours behind Oceania.
looking for an adult fun community. Left ps4 to a computer, so looking for a new clan. playing as titan level 920 with 1560 played hrs
Edited by dedonarnewt7: 10/7/2019 3:11:15 PMI am hunter at power 907 and have two grenades with cool down time down to 30 sec would like to join clan to do raids and help others using my hunter.(im 910 now )
I just sent in the request to join! All my buddies stopped playing destiny a while back and would love to have some people to finally do raids with. Also, not having to solo queue competitive PvP sounds fantastic! Haha
new to pc, from xbox. would love a group to grow with!
I sent a join request! Looking for a good clan to tackle Shadowkeep with!
Just switched to pc and looking for a clan. Would love to join.
Sent an app to ya very active do both pve and pvp just looking for a great group of people to hang with
sent an application! getting back into the game since moving to PC, was PS4 as well
Can I join? I play everyday. if you need help I'll help.
sent me an invite please i have 0 friends and would love to make some