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Destiny 2

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8/27/2019 10:46:19 PM

Tales of a Mars Sentry // Bow

Masterpost: Her senses flared to life in an instant. She felt as if a rush of air had flown into her body and filled her with energy. “Agh!” She arched her back, sending her spinning inside the cockpit of the ship she was contained in. “Ah, geez! Where am I? What happened? What’s all this?” She grabbed at the chair below her in an attempt to stop her spiraling. As she pulled herself down onto the seat, she caught the single, blue eye of a drone covered in pyramids. “Uh… hi.” The drone whispered, staying directly between her blue skinned face and the stars beyond the windshield of their vessel. “This takes the cake for “weirdest thing I’ve seen today.” What are you?!” “I’m the reason you live again, to put it simply.” “Live again? I’m not… wait, who am I?” “That’s not something I know, either. You were dead a long time before I found you.” She chuckled as the ghost floated to the ships console in front of her, striking it with thin beams of blue energy. “Dead? So what am I, a zombie? Huh? Tell me the truth!” “That is the truth… and, you’re not a zombie. You’re a regular person. Beyond one, in fact. You’re immortal, thanks to me.” “Pfft. No way. Come on, I got amnesia or something, right?” She looked around the ship. It was abandoned. Dead. “That’s not true…” Her voice faded as the disrepair of the ship sank in. The screen before her sparked to life, albeit very dimly. The words “Welcome back, Ascella” could be seen in white before the device fizzled out. “It’s dead. I’m assuming… that’s your name. Ascella.” “Ascella…” “Shall we get to Earth? This ship has enough fuel to land, but that’s it.” - “Move, hunter!” The warlock yelled, pointing to his right. She wasted no time, scrambling to her healing feet. She heard the simmering bellows of Hive boomer shots overtake her ears, crashing against the ruins surrounding her. The rest of the warlock’s group had moved in, pushing back the swarm. He called out to her again. “Do you not have a weapon? We could use all the help we can get here.” He grunted as two Hive shredder shots pierced his chest. “Uh, can’t say I do. I just got he-.” She was interrupted by a sidearm falling into her hands. “All right, I can do this.” She took a deep breath and hauled herself up out of cover. An acolyte fell to her shots, and another soon after. Shooting her new gun felt natural to her, as if she’d done it countless times before. Eventually, she and the warlock’s team had cleared the horde. The roar of gunfire finally quieted, and she fell to her knees, breathing a sigh of relief. “Thanks so much. I could’ve died there.” She handed the warlock’s gun back. “Oh, don’t thank me. Thank our fireteam leader. He’s the one that spotted you.” He motioned to a titan clad in orange armor, who was examining the ashes of a knight. “Uh, thanks.” She playfully knocked on the titan’s chest. “You really saved my skin there.” “No problem. What were you doing here alone, anyway? This is an extremely dangerous sector.” The titan asked, holding his ghost up to scan the area. “Oh, well, I was brought alive on a ship in orbit, and it was out of fuel, so all we could do was land here.” “In orbit?” A warlock stepped forward and peered at her. “Fascinating! An awoken in orbit around Earth? I wonder what the circumstances leading to this were. There is so much about the awoken I wish to kno-“ “Vira, give her some space, man.” A tired sounding hunter grabbed the warlock by the arm and pulled him backwards. “I’m Zahir-2, and this is my scout team.” The titan pointed at his comrades. “That’s Lacer, a titan like me. That’s Saiph, a Hunter like you, that warlock there is Thuban, and the other warlock is Vira. You said you were awakened yesterday?” “Yeah, I’ve mostly been wandering around since, then I got caught up in this mess.” She motioned to the Hive remains behind her. “Another ghost that didn’t take a ship…” Zahir rubbed his head. “Come with us. Humanity has a base of operations on Earth, and we can take you there.” “My ghost told me about it. That’d be awesom-“ she drifted off and collapsed. She could barely keep her eyes open. In her absence, a blue shelled ghost rose in front of her. “She hasn’t had any nourishment. Needless to say, she’s out of energy.” The ghost explained, casting a glance back at his guardian. “Also, you can call her Ascella.”

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