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Like is there any mention or implication? And if so... How detailed?
Yes. I have encountered plenty of USSR internet connections in quick play lately.
Destiny is supposed to take place in 2013. The Traveler comes and then later on we venture to it and so on and so forth the story continues up until where we wake up as a guardian. A lot of in-game events actions and DLCs can be attributed to real-time days after events in Destiny.
I can only imagine that history went along as it did in real life up until the Traveler's arrival. Since that's still long into the future, it's safe to say that the USSR did exist at one point in the Destiny universe but had no impact because it was already history at that point.
Relevant question, is Mk300mk a Russian bot account? [spoiler]probably[/spoiler]
thats the chinese flag boi
Ahm... Rasputin? D1 Cosmodrome. Glorious place.
In Cosmodrome, Spinmetal farms YOU.
its called the vanguard. they're all communists
The Cosmodrome is precision Russian engineering.
Why wouldn’t it?
Yes at one point, I imagine it was disbanded much like the rest of the world's political systems into one big super governing force all dedicated to the traveler
And we are coming for that VOLDKA.
The USSR? NO. It's never mentioned even once. But Old Russia is mentioned many times. This could be either the current Russian federation or the next incarnation of whatever the Russian people go for. Heck! Most Russians don't even know what to call themselves and others at this point.
You -blam!-in cheeky -blam!-.
Edited by chadley71: 9/11/2019 8:06:14 AMWhilst reading this post I can see the banner graphic at the top. It is the procession that was to take place in the Last City to celebrate our victories in D1. The flag and banners are very Eurasian in stlying and also the presence of bouquets being carried, very Russian. Imagine most people in he Last City would be Eurasian due to where it is supposed to be (modern day Nepal). So in this respect it is just acknowledging customs that exist in other parts of the world. Western or not. This is what I love about the game tbh. This implies current history was the same till the Traveller arrived then the What if future time line started. The Cosmodrome we explore would probably be a golden age era installation though. There are Northern Lights at night so it has to be far up in Russia itself. IMHO.
I always thought that the cabal were Russian O.o
The Soviet Union gone and Russia is .
Actually, the Cosmodrome is / was in Kazakhstan....
HELLOOOOO!!!! the Cosmodrome........... that IS russia
Edited by Starkiller352: 9/11/2019 5:01:58 PMBut of course! The awoken were created when Tim Curry traveled to the one place that hasn’t been corrupted by capitalism. [spoiler]SPAYAYCE![/spoiler]
Why ask? And what’s in the link?
The USSR doesn’t exist in any Universe.
You know rasputin speaks Russian right.... Named after the mad monk himself. So yes the ussr did exist in the destiny universe. The whole game is an alternate future of this earth.
Does? No, Did? yes, Its an alternate extension of our future
Either way the destiny universe exists in a time far after our current time. So even if the USSR did exist it wouldn't anymore.
Cosmodrome.......that's in Russia