Check out our [url=]latest ViDoc[/url] showing a preview of Shadowkeep’s impending launch and beyond.
[quote]Infinte grind[/quote] Sounds not fun.
Sorry bingo bungo, hype that crap all you want, but no preorder for you. As the old saying goes "fool me once", well, you know the rest. To many lies, along with showing no respect for players time and commitment to the game.
Edited by Quiet_Bushi: 9/18/2019 7:57:01 AMI don't like this video. It is so much an "ad hoc hype train video" that is impossible to don't notice it. Action MMO? Core fans? [i]Infinite grind[/i]? Yikes. I suppose that Datto and friends will be happy now. Bungie is never been in control of its own game. Never, since D1 Vanilla. I don't see why things are going to change right now.
Edited by Hydrilus: 9/17/2019 11:37:30 PMWhy is Bungie talking as if this is their first attempt at Destiny? Like they've had no idea what they've been doing the past 5 years and are finally progressing passed beta stage? If someone showed me this and said this is a new game coming out from an unknown developer who is just getting their feet wet, I'd have believed them because based on the dialogue, that's exactly what it sounds like - except it's a veteran triple-A developer.
How about some passive abilities in exchange for our supers. Eg 1. Get calus to make the hunters a cyborg grizzly or big cat to maul what ever you're targeting. 2. Have warlocks summon or conjure energy from the elemental plains that would take form of a shadow dealing ranged dps to targets. 3. The titans could get a mirror image of themselves whom would just headbutt the f.uck out of anything that moves. Also by sacrificing your super for these passive abilities, perhaps make a bar that when full it empowers your minions. Idk I'm throwing it out there, bungie talking about steering towards an mmo style game, this is the kind of i would want in a mmo style shooter.
Infinite Power Grind...... -blam!-
Edited by MAJ-TERROR: 9/18/2019 8:57:03 PMseeing to much-recycled content starting from the moon.
L🤢L The Ever Evolving world !!!!!! Is it just me or does even Bungie want players to Forget How Terrible the game has become ROTFFLMFAO !!!!!! Hey man you remember when we were there for that event ? Lol No bro because it’s Destiny 3 now and they took all that stuff we farmed 1000s of hours of our lives for !??!’ 😱 ........ I was there when Bungie was Great ! Told amazing stories , led me through the cosmos a Hero , unstoppable , the Spartan that wouldn’t lie down , wouldn’t quit , wouldn’t bow to entire armadas . I was there when Bungie was great ! But now that season has passed ! 😥But hey you can buy a sparrow or dance for 20$ yay !
i only came here to say you better nerfing recluse in shadowkeep that 20% damage boost to smg is good but recluse don't need it..that is all
So many negative and barely any positive I can say about this one. I was a hardcore player that you pushed away to where I barely play anymore if at all. Forcing "I was there when..." moments through possible mediocre story and events instead of grand chases of loot with actual fun activities is a no go from me. Saying you want the Dungeon to be more of a raid secrets for people but the truth is most people don't care and you've pretty made raids not worth time in the first place so who's to say this dungeon won't be like the other with loot that is just from the moon making the chase not really worthwhile. Sorry but I still dont have hope for this sequel when you already had a great formula and it's taken you 3 years for any kind of improvement on it.
Stop lying. The players don’t decide anything. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be getting just scams & re-skins every damn season. You’re screwed without the help of the 2 other studios & Activision. You are too incompetent to develop video games. Give up.
If any one hasn't watched this it's the same shite they say every single vidoc. Kinda feels like we are in a loop of them making mistakes and trying to fix them...
Same old Bungie hype train. Looks good, but most likely won’t deliver. I don’t want to have to wait on other people playing to unlock parts of the game. I don’t want ‘have to have been there’ moments meaning you always need to be playing. It looks geared towards no lifers. I just think getting anywhere in this game now will take more time than I’m willing to give Destiny with all these other great games around. Especially when I have to pay for an expansion and season passes, meaning I really need to invest a lot of time to get my money worth. Not sure I can commit to this game anymore. I’m also worried about how much of the boring old content I’ll need to play.
When are you going to just rename the dlc or the game EVERVERSE since that's all you give 2 f____s about
"We want to build Destiny for it's core fans" aka that pink haired whiny youtube guy, Ditto or whatever that's called.. Don't get me wrong, I'm no hardcore stream hater.. I like Aztecross weapon reviews on greg for example. Some good info on there for good dps weapons. I like the dungeon but when seeing the footage it just looks like more jumping puzzles with extra steps, so that's a nono for me personally.. One thing which I find completely wrong is the taking away of content, especially because we have to pay to play said content. If you introduce content to strip it away, that should only be the FREE content, not the PAID content. I suggest Bungie to have a look at Guild Wars 2. They have the concept of an ever evolving world with the living seaons. But guess what, I can play that damn season whenever I -blam!-ing feel like it. It doesn't get stripped away. There is no fear of missing out in that game. You will get whatever you want eventually depending on how much you play and when you play. They hit that right on the head and that game predates Destiny 1 by 2 years.. And now these guys are telling us "their product" can't handle something an older game can?
Edited by TryN2kEEpUp: 9/18/2019 12:14:15 AMBest vidoc makers in the business. Expected nothing less, you guys should do this for every game developer your so damn good at it. There's a revenue model for you Bungie!!! Just don't do any writing, your definitely NOT good at that.
Coz, can you tell that Lumpy hipster to wear something else to work other than a hoody.
Or maybe just listen to your player base instead of the 1% that seem to be steering the ship. Stop punishing console because PC break your game.
Edited by Sinisis: 9/18/2019 4:22:57 PMNo one is excited for Dattokeep!!!? Ironically, we, the players as a whole, are partly to blame for giving streamers so much power, through views, likes, and subs. These professional no lifers have been influencing the direction of the game since D1 and yet, many years later, a good chunk of the playerbase still give them views, likes and subs in the millions! Until we stop watching certain streamers, this cycle will continue. There are very good streamers that don't try to influence the game like Aztecross, Ninja Pups, and the lore streamers like Byf, Myelin, etc. It's really a matter of understanding that your attention is their currency, and so you should only give it to those who deserves it. PS: Please drop a like and subscribe while you're at it!
Luke Smith being so involved still makes me cringe.... I dont feel ShadowKeep is going to live up to the hype.
i liked what i saw. i hope that the visuals mantain that high power optical explosiveness when in game. the rune table i think is a great idea. is the artifact for each charecter or is it for the profile/account? i like enemies that change as we go, that good ****. really want to see something besides that damm stomp maybe a swipe for the ogre instead, it has long arms for good reach. thats it for now
Can you explain the inspiration behind the ghost armor design in shadow keep? Dev: We were inspired by native American traditional garb and oven mits. That eclectic pairing of artistic influences led to the designs you see in the vidoc.
Still not preordering! K nobody is looking. [spoiler]throws money at screen[/spoiler]
Edited by Savage: 9/17/2019 9:44:15 PM5:07 Season of Dawn “Fix the Timeline” [i]....interesting[/i] Also love how the first 4 kills when they start talking about renewed pvp is shotgun, grenade launcher, shoulder charge, and recluse.....[i]omegalul[/i]