originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hey all,
[b]Edit:[/b]I should have stated this earlier I'm in Eastern Time Zone US I typically play from 3-10 on weekdays (on and off during that time frame)
I played a TON of Destiny 2, in fact I got to end game on both PC and PS4 and ran the original raid over 20 times across all 3 classes. I did not play very much Destiny 1, I did Crota's raid and that's about it. I returned to Destiny 2 about a month ago and got through all of the content that I could and joined a max level clan.
The clan I'm currently in has about 4 or 5 active members at any time, and since I'm starting to play a lot more so I'm looking for a more serious clan (not too serious, just a clan that wants to get things done).
Most likely my RL friends would want to join me I have about 4 of them with me. We are all pretty good at PVP, we got the Recluse challenge done in one Saturday. We haven't done any of the new raids because it's hard to find people who want to teach the raid, I made multiple posts on reddit looking for sherpa or teaching groups.
Just let me know if your squad needs 3-4 decent Destiny players.
Let me know if you have any questions for me!
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=367058 PlayStation 4 | Eastern Standard Time | PvE & PvP Consider joining Ace Engima! Why? We're a clan that consistently reaches level 6, we're very active, diverse, personable, funny, and good company overall. We're looking for chill players who are teachable and patient. We're also hoping to recruit those who are very active, sociable, helpful, and heavily into the Destiny activities available to us. Message me if interested. Requirements: *Ages 21+ *Have a mic *Be willing to use Discord *Be active/play Destiny multiple times a week