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Edited by TJ_Dot: 9/18/2019 10:56:55 PM

Thoughtsplosion at the VidDoc release (Long and maybe ranty, be warned I guess)

Look, all the same fancy talk you keep repeating means nothing if you don't deliver. And you can't sugar coat shit into being okay, that crappy foundation with still collapse under all that sugar. I'm tired of being told that this year is the year that you [i]really[/i] start telling us where you going I'm tired of being told that I'm on the journey with you, if I weren't, I wouldn't even be here, I get it already, I would have jumped off long ago like so many others if I just couldn't deal with you as a traveling companion anymore. I'm tired of being told you want to not dictate the game, yet in reality, you do because you're the one driving the bus on this journey, and we're stuck in the very back of it while Datto and friends have all the front seats. I can't complain about them directly, but I only find myself more distasteful of them when their high profile and easy direct line to the team somehow some way feels like a detriment to the core player experience. Your chase to challenge them scares me dearly because if I can have such a hard time trying to pick up the slack of others in Crown of Sorrow, what are the chances I can even do anything for them in Garden of Salvation. I can't cure lesser skilled players, I don't have some elite clan of a bunch of random people I will never really know, my friends stopped taking this game seriously because they found it impossible to take you seriously (I'm sure many can relate). The game is easy when you're good at at it, but a nightmare when you're not. I know challenging the hardcore is always a goal, but you can't compromise the experience of others in favor of it. Auto-reload does not mean jack shit if the group can barely make it to a damage phase or actually get any shots off and survive until the next one. Just because some found out they're too good at the game does not mean that everyone else should get screwed. I'm tired of this evolving world ideology meaning activities have to go. They don't. The annual pass added around 11 GBs to the not over 100GB Forsaken release. Obviously you can't expand the game forever, the Tiger engine is horrible and you need something that allows faster changes and better file compression. You can afford to not take out 4 activities however. I honestly doubt that whatever happens in Undying's end is just 100% nullifying the possibility of ever running Offensive ever again, if the concept of it having ended in the timeline is suddenly a problem, remember your logic for strikes after [b]Cayde died[/b], they're just "moments in time". So guess what, when Undying ends, Vex Offensive has 100% fair grounds to follow the same logic as a [b]moment in time[/b] when the vex were invading. I feel very uninterested in future seasons since you want to carry the scariness of the digital age to the next stage with literal renting of [i]activities[/i], going even further than a battle pass does with buying the ability to get certain things before they're gone. Now you have to buy the ability to [i]do[/i] things before it's gone forever. That small consideration of people's money matters a lot and ignoring it can push away from sales. As it stands, after a certain season, your 10 dollars will only get you exotic quests and maybe a raid, much less valuable than it was originally with its activity, battle pass rewards, and its little story arc through it that you would have followed. You do not need to play the FOMO card in order to create memories for people. "I was there when..." is something you must let happen naturally, because when you try to force it with FOMO tactics on stuff people are [b]paying for[/b] you look scummy. I was there when hype for Destiny was truly possible, I was there when that Vault opened for the first time for anyone. I was there when that heart send a message, when that son cried into the dark, when that convict fell, when Willbreaker shattered, when the Lords deemed a new generation, when the Tower fell, when the Traveler awoke, when a friend fell, when a shape-shifting wish dragon just stood there and got memed, when Trials turned PvP into a meta craphole, when Thorn was left unchecked for too long, when high range shotguns ruined my favorite jump, when people held hands for dear life, when so many of these things happened. They did not need to be removed from the game to be memories, they were memorable outright, even if they sucked and shouldn't have existed. It's one thing to escalate the story through a progressive arc that has this big thing happen that everyone can get into, but it's another when the thing has a price tag attached. It's just wrong is what I'm saying, please don't do it, if the Annual pass amounted to 11GB, what's another 11 on top of Shadowkeeps actual resulting size since there's no way in hell it'll actually be 165GB (let people uninstall other languages to cut down on size too).

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  • Real talk, -blam!- these forums, people crying about crybabies being crybabies, if you like the game and love the game, SUPPORT the game. If you don’t like it, provide the required feedback without the negativity or play something else. Trolls come to the forums because destiny as a franchise is still relevant in the gaming industry. I’ve seen profiles where people haven’t played the game since December 2017 and come to the forums with the nonsense. I’ve seen profiles where people say they no longer play the game or leaving the game but play a crucible match 10 minutes ago. Nothing as of now hasn’t knocked it away. Supposedly destiny killers -COD -Anthem -The Division -Warframe -Borderlands 3 yet destiny is still here. Call me a fanboy. It doesn’t hurt my feelings. Destiny is the only game I play and money spent on this game isn’t an issue for me, because I SUPPORT my habit. Of course every game in this day and age has issues especially Destiny, but I learn to adapt and quite honestly I still enjoy it. I’ve been playing since vanilla D1 put it down for a while. Talked Bad about the game and jumped back on simply because other games didn’t scratch the itch I had. Shadowkeep is around the corner. I already preordered the digital deluxe edition. If y’all ain’t got it we’ll see you when the price drops. I don’t care if they take away content I paid for because again... if you like the game and love the game, SUPPORT the game. They no longer have a publisher. And the move Bungie is making is going to happen whether you like it or not.

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    77 Replies
    • Edited by hemlock: 9/21/2019 7:27:08 AM
      Will keep bumping.

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    • Bump

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    • I watched the vidoc and all I could think of in response to them saying "this is the year where we really look at destinys core as a whole and focus on where it's going". My first thought to that statement was "so what the -blam!- have you been doing all this time instead?"

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    • Last years anal pass was shit. I'm not excited for the future of destiny and I'm not buying shadowfleece so far. Going to wait for the reviews.

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    • Got to ‘Datto & friends have the front seats’ and stopped reading. You lost all credibility at that point.

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      3 Replies
      • I purchased Shadowkeep, I'm excited for Shadowkeep, and I want the game to succeed. But I can't stand it when they say they are making the game for "core players who love Destiny." They said the same thing before Forsaken came out and it basically ended up meaning that if you don't play the game exactly the way we tell you to play it then you don't "love Destiny" and you can go screw yourself. We shall see what they mean by that statement in 2 weeks but I really hope they give up with the trying to dictate what kind of person gets to "love" Destiny. Its just an asinine statement that irritates the shit out of me for some reason, I'm sorry. I know its supposed to be a hobbyist's game or whatever but it turns out to sound like such a backhanded statement when things don't go right and they end up having to admit as much a year later.

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        5 Replies
        • 100% well stated. [quote]I'm tired of being told that this year is the year that you really start telling us where you going. I'm tired of being told that I'm on the journey with you...[/quote] They've been saying this or variants of this for YEARS now. It's how every major ViDoc starts. All that stuff will be gone within a few days of Shadowkeep release, just like it always has before. Make no mistake - nothing will be changing. They're trying to move product. [quote]You do not need to play the FOMO card in order to create memories for people. "I was there when..." is something you must let happen naturally, because when you try to force it with FOMO tactics on stuff people are paying for you look scummy.[/quote] THANK YOU! I couldn't agree more. Frankly, for me, "I was there when..." lost all positive meaning with the end of D1. D1 was FULL of "I was there when" moments. D2 has had more "I looked on in horror when..." moments. I looked on in horror as microtransactions became their sole focus, I looked on in horror as they made the game so grindy that even the basic function of Infusion soon cost four different currencies, etc etc. You can't force "I was there when", it's a simple case of using FOMO to, again, simply move product. [quote]Your chase to challenge them scares me dearly because if I can have such a hard time trying to pick up the slack of others in Crown of Sorrow, what are the chances I can even do anything for them in Garden of Salvation. I can't cure lesser skilled players, I don't have some elite clan of a bunch of random people I will never really know, my friends stopped taking this game seriously because they found it impossible to take you seriously (I'm sure many can relate). The game is easy when you're good at at it, but a nightmare when you're not.[/quote] I can relate. I'm a mid-tier player at best, always have been. I've finished every raid I've tried (D1 the vast majority), but I'm no expert. All my friends stopped playing this game, so I'm also now basically a solo player. With Bungie basically telling me I'm no longer welcome with shit like this, it made it that much easier to not buy in. And I won't buy in as long as they keep pushing the game towards ultra grind, ultra hardcore, no exceptions. They made it clear that players of my type are no longer welcome and I accept that and stop giving them money. It's actually the antithesis of wanting to move product, but I guess we'll see. Anyway, thank you again for your astute comments. You summed up how I felt while watching the ViDoc, which sounded all too familiar. I'm interested to see how what's left of the playerbase thinks of Shadowkeep at launch.

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        • Edited by Corrick II: 9/18/2019 3:25:22 AM
          Simple fact: Bungie is [i]still[/i] reinventing the game and claiming “this is the one!” [i]five years[/i] after launch. When are they going to settle on a direction? When are we going to get a little stability? Are Raids either a good mix of puzzles and gunplay, or tediously complex masturbatory game design? Is Destiny for casuals or hardcore players or “other”? Do the 1% no-lifers decide what is balanced or the majority who suffer all the changes in silence. Make. Up. Your. Fcking. Minds. Please.

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          16 Replies
          • Read the whole rant. Totally agree. What's the point of spending all this money on a video game that you can't play after a certain amount of time because that content was temporary and is now gone? It literally has become a rented game. Which means, if you don't have the time to get through the content when it releases, you never get a chance to play it. That works great for streamers, but what about the rest of us who have jobs and families and responsibilities and can't no-life the game?

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            12 Replies
            • Edited by Hydrilus: 9/18/2019 5:57:51 PM
              Well stated. I would just add that, don't you think it's odd how in every ViDoc, the way Bungie talks about the upcoming release, they always seem to come across as a developer that is still learning the ropes of game development? When in reality, they're a veteran, triple-A developer? Every ViDoc it's the same things being stated about how they're re-doing things with a clean slate, starting over with this thing, going back to basics with that thing, etc. It's like they've spent the last 5 years with Destiny (and longer with Halo and beyond), and haven't, learned, anything!

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              1 Reply
              • Don’t think I would miss a version of Gambit, Mercury, Titan and the Reckoning right now if it meant new content of a similar size was replacing it

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                2 Replies
                • You know how some games can let ya make levels, like Little Big Planet and more recently Assassin’s Creed Odyssey? I wonder how that’d be like on here

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                • I'm sorry you took the time to post all of this. Nobody with any power at Bungie will read this. And the few that might won't do anything about it. Your loyalty doesn't make you Bungie's audience. Your money does. Bungie are very good at talking about how much they love their community and how they're going to be along for the ride but that's the one thing they're good at. Their ability to instill faith in a community to the point of thanking them for screwing us is alarming. They proved how incredible they are at that with Out of the Shadows ViDoc. They talked about giving players what they want and then ignored players. Again. Other communities don't do this. Other developers don't do this. You shouldn't have to beg for basic features and PvP sandbox updates more often than every 3 months. I play Destiny because it's fun. I enjoy Destiny. But I know that Bungie doesn't care about my opinion or anybody else's unless we stream to a large enough audience to influence opinions and sales.

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                  • Bungie is supposed to be a AAA developer. People forget, after the split most of OG Bungie left, go look at Midwinter an that's where most are, next to 343. This is a sad fact. Right now this isn't Bungie, and the reason for the splittering is no longer there. The exclusives are dead. MicroMom an Activdaddy aren't breathing down Bungies neck, but the damage is down, like an affair with your lover the marriage an trust is gone. Bungie is dead, long live Bungie.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Well said!!!!! Watched the VidDoc and heard all the same promises, hopes, dreams and "Key" words that they have been saying since Day 1. Its the same script with some new background photos/video, different people (still saying the same script), and some small script changes.

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                    • Bump

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                    • [quote]Auto-reload does not mean jack shit if the group can barely make it to a damage phase or actually get any shots off and survive until the next one. [/quote] say it again for people in the back

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                    • Tldr: I didn't want to read all of this

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                    • Due to college I wont be able to play nearly as much as I was able to for the past couple of years. It really sucks since ill lose a lot of content I paid for just because I cant no life this game. But bungie doesnt give two shits atleast with actvision I got to keep all content I paid for.

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                      1 Reply
                      • [quote]I'm tired of being told you want to not dictate the game, yet in reality, you do because you're the one driving the bus on this journey, and we're stuck in the very back of it while Datto and friends have all the front seats. I can't complain about them directly, but I only find myself more distasteful of them when their high profile and easy direct line to the team somehow some way feels like a detriment to the core player experience. Your chase to challenge them scares me dearly because if I can have such a hard time trying to pick up the slack of others in Crown of Sorrow, what are the chances I can even do anything for them in Garden of Salvation. I can't cure lesser skilled players, I don't have some elite clan of a bunch of random people I will never really know, my friends stopped taking this game seriously because they found it impossible to take you seriously (I'm sure many can relate). I know challenging the hardcore is always a goal, but you can't compromise the experience of others in favor of it. Auto-reload does not mean jack shit if the group can barely make it to a damage phase or actually get any shots off and survive until the next one. Just because some found out they're too good at the game does not mean that everyone else should get screwed.[/quote] This is the part that concerns me probably the most. They keep mentioning "core audience" "hardcore players"...what about that big group in the middle? The group that can commit a good chunk of time, but is on console, doesn't have top tier/elite weapons, doesn't have a premade group of amazing players....are they just going to be standing on the sidelines watching streamers play? I certainly hope not, but it sure seems like they are catering for the 10% of the audience.

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                        46 Replies
                        • Bungie logic means toyota should take my old Corolla away cause there's a new model out...

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                          7 Replies
                          • I'm concerned that the game will turn into a constant unfun grind, just to do activities and get gear thats only sticking around for that season. Obviously your going to want to optimise the rolls for your build, yet another grind. Season artifiact with mods you can use "for the season". Weapon-ised FOMO ? Might just backfire if its just higher power activities with nothing more rewarding than pushing a bar with a number to +1 value The moon? I've already played the moon in D1. The Red Keep you say? Well that's just Crotas Castle on the moon, fell out of the ascendant realm. No new architecture, Reused assets, re-used bosses, mortal combat finisher moves that amount to cosmetics. The story? You've still not had time to explain why you didn;t have time to explain. Whats "new" for next season? Cosmodrome again? Aksis returns as a nightmare in the cosmodrome? Skolas Breaks back into the Prison of Elders in the that noew Season of the Porpus? No? What about blowing up the tower again and we all have to retreat to the mountain? You can't make me feel like I'm missing out on things when I've already been there, done that and literally have the -blam!-ing T-shirt. Bottom line, Where is all the new stuff Hal?

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                          • The main point on this is that Bungie (even though they don't like to admit it) caters for Streamers/Youtubers. Why? Because they get a ton of free publicity and if they didn't cater to the needs of said Streamer/Youtuber then they would eventually move onto another game taking their fans with them causing Destiny numbers a chunky blow. It's no secret that Bungie is a money grab machine, we have all come to this final conclusion since their actions have began and ended with the desire to milk profits since day 1 and show no sign of easing up. Honestly i am devistated that my favorite franchise is going to die in the near future. Any diehard fan boy that says "you don't know what you're talking about" needs a headcheck. Destiny numbers have been falling and falling with little or no sign of bounce back until a new DLC is revealed only to find the majority of its content stashed behind Eververse and the player base falls again. Activision.... well they can rot for all i care. But even Activision saw the path Destiny has taken and partially agreed to spilt probably because they made profit and didn't want to take a hit when Destiny stops breathing. Activision (as scummy as they were) are marketing geniuses to the point where they could see a bad apple a mile off. Lots of rants from the community like this one (I'm especially guilty for it) get ignored since its not an idea or direction that Bungie could monetize and when a post gains traction they remove it form the forums or obscure it from readers as they are scared it insights FUD on their precious cash cow. I will continue to play Destiny for a little while longer but I'm no longer enjoying this game or the direction it's taking since myself and you guys simply don't matter in the eyes of Bungie because we're not big content creators with pink hair. Stay strong and keep thinking positive thoughts. Fingers crossed Luke Smith will step down/be fired and we can have a real gamer minded friend step in to help us guardians out.

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                          • Have said it many times also and it is clearly the plan. If you design your content to make those who play the game for a living feel special then that will be your player base as everyone else will eventually just find the door. From what I saw it looks like that is the path they are taking.

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