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Look, all the same fancy talk you keep repeating means nothing if you don't deliver. And you can't sugar coat shit into being okay, that crappy foundation with still collapse under all that sugar.
I'm tired of being told that this year is the year that you [i]really[/i] start telling us where you going
I'm tired of being told that I'm on the journey with you, if I weren't, I wouldn't even be here, I get it already, I would have jumped off long ago like so many others if I just couldn't deal with you as a traveling companion anymore.
I'm tired of being told you want to not dictate the game, yet in reality, you do because you're the one driving the bus on this journey, and we're stuck in the very back of it while Datto and friends have all the front seats. I can't complain about them directly, but I only find myself more distasteful of them when their high profile and easy direct line to the team somehow some way feels like a detriment to the core player experience.
Your chase to challenge them scares me dearly because if I can have such a hard time trying to pick up the slack of others in Crown of Sorrow, what are the chances I can even do anything for them in Garden of Salvation. I can't cure lesser skilled players, I don't have some elite clan of a bunch of random people I will never really know, my friends stopped taking this game seriously because they found it impossible to take you seriously (I'm sure many can relate). The game is easy when you're good at at it, but a nightmare when you're not.
I know challenging the hardcore is always a goal, but you can't compromise the experience of others in favor of it. Auto-reload does not mean jack shit if the group can barely make it to a damage phase or actually get any shots off and survive until the next one. Just because some found out they're too good at the game does not mean that everyone else should get screwed.
I'm tired of this evolving world ideology meaning activities have to go. They don't.
The annual pass added around 11 GBs to the not over 100GB Forsaken release. Obviously you can't expand the game forever, the Tiger engine is horrible and you need something that allows faster changes and better file compression. You can afford to not take out 4 activities however. I honestly doubt that whatever happens in Undying's end is just 100% nullifying the possibility of ever running Offensive ever again, if the concept of it having ended in the timeline is suddenly a problem, remember your logic for strikes after [b]Cayde died[/b], they're just "moments in time". So guess what, when Undying ends, Vex Offensive has 100% fair grounds to follow the same logic as a [b]moment in time[/b] when the vex were invading. I feel very uninterested in future seasons since you want to carry the scariness of the digital age to the next stage with literal renting of [i]activities[/i], going even further than a battle pass does with buying the ability to get certain things before they're gone. Now you have to buy the ability to [i]do[/i] things before it's gone forever. That small consideration of people's money matters a lot and ignoring it can push away from sales. As it stands, after a certain season, your 10 dollars will only get you exotic quests and maybe a raid, much less valuable than it was originally with its activity, battle pass rewards, and its little story arc through it that you would have followed.
You do not need to play the FOMO card in order to create memories for people. "I was there when..." is something you must let happen naturally, because when you try to force it with FOMO tactics on stuff people are [b]paying for[/b] you look scummy. I was there when hype for Destiny was truly possible, I was there when that Vault opened for the first time for anyone. I was there when that heart send a message, when that son cried into the dark, when that convict fell, when Willbreaker shattered, when the Lords deemed a new generation, when the Tower fell, when the Traveler awoke, when a friend fell, when a shape-shifting wish dragon just stood there and got memed, when Trials turned PvP into a meta craphole, when Thorn was left unchecked for too long, when high range shotguns ruined my favorite jump, when people held hands for dear life, when so many of these things happened. They did not need to be removed from the game to be memories, they were memorable outright, even if they sucked and shouldn't have existed. It's one thing to escalate the story through a progressive arc that has this big thing happen that everyone can get into, but it's another when the thing has a price tag attached.
It's just wrong is what I'm saying, please don't do it, if the Annual pass amounted to 11GB, what's another 11 on top of Shadowkeeps actual resulting size since there's no way in hell it'll actually be 165GB (let people uninstall other languages to cut down on size too).
This game wont get any better you may as well accept that. It will continue to produce incredibly average weapons and armor, if you like the core mechanics and are ok with that hey rock on, if not quit giving them your money.
I haven't watched the vidoc. I don't agree with most of this. I haven't come across an activity that was insanely difficult. I tired of soloing the shattered throne because it was time consuming, but i wouldn't call it insanely difficult. They need to bring back trials. 3 on 3 with bounties that don't require going to the light house. Every dlc drop should have new strikes and story missions. You missed out this last year. Everything else we'll see. I laugh when pur3ple complain about the writing. I think the writing is good, and the writers are talented, but whoever told them that the key to a great story was to ignore your missy interesting story line should be shot. The guardian killing guardians in d2 and the stranger, what happened to them? I can't wait for the raid where we fight rogue guardians.
Edited by Aeon-1: 9/18/2019 5:35:19 PMYeah i agree... and Chuck Norris had staring contest with the sun and sun lost.
True story bro
Edited by stonecold_venom1: 9/18/2019 5:35:09 PMI totally agree with that rant! I do feel that bungie is catering to the hardcore players more and more, making chasing for certain weapons harder and more accessible to hardcore 24/7 players and inaccessible for lesser skilled or lesser time playing players like myself and many others who have actual full time jobs and/or kids to care of. This upcoming expansion I won't be getting, I mean it took me nearly 6 months after Forsaken came out to even decide on getting it. I had a heart attack and a stroke, have 3 kids, a wife and trying to get back to work full time I just don't have the time to chase all these silly quest steps to get weapons that will eventually be nerfed to the ground anyways :( Too bad Bungie will just ignore that post and if you post it on reddit it will just be deleted or ban you for it :( Good rant though in my opinion!
I agree the game caters too much to hardcore, professional gamers and now feels very inaccessible due to the time and other commitments needed to play. It's just all so grindy, I've quite honestly lost the desire to play. I'm not bothered by old content being removed if it's no longer played or relevant but the content that is added needs to add to or improve on old stuff. And, important to me, feel like it's genuinely a game world. In TTK it was great because the whole drop was consistent and meaningfully change the environment and characters. Forsaken and ROI didn't do this enough in my book, I hope the new DLC does, but will wait and see. What I expect to see is artificially long grinds and content only people with very capable clans can complete.
Considering how targeted the bullpoo psychological marketing tactics are, the time for needing waders has passed and full scuba gear needed to swim/survive in Bungie’s sea of deceit. Removing paid for content will slowly tar & taint the ip beyond repair. While I’m still a little hopeful, actions will speak louder and that “core” audience will be the jury, or not. I just completely reject Luk Smith’s or whoever is leading this things decision making. Where is a difficulty slider for the good old content= nope(Bungo too lazy & only focus on selling new content first). How about adding modifiers or better rewards like skeleton keys or strike loot. Will be interesting to watch but these decisions are aweful and once people start to realize that Eververse is where all the work goes and the grind will continually screw over other players caught in the mix, the final exodus happens. Leaving only the survivors hooked up to matrix like tubes, usurping what energy and fundage left in the dazed & hooked meatbag customers
This. This is critical feedback that enlightened me to another viewpoint which I agree with. Thank you! You deserve a bump. Thank you for not being like the rest.
So long story short, less talk and actual more action?
This is exactly how I feel. You are not the only one. Normally, by this time in the last 4 years, I had already pre ordered and was super hyped. This year that is not the case. I am not sure if the formula got old or just the truth was revealed.
I coud not agree more. We need Destiny 1 again also, as a dlc or something
Edited by Mareep: 9/18/2019 4:54:15 PMJust git gud I don't play this game to mindlessly shoot, I want a good challenge. If the content is getting harder then good, may they keep it up. If you don't want to do raids you don't have to, but they are supposed to be challenging when you do them. Edit. I agree with you on that activities shouldn't disappear over time, but bungie is changing from a single player focus to a community focus story telling instead. Started with riven
Don't buy it if you don't like it 👍
Meh I've spent 60 bucks on worse....
I enjoyed the vidoc but, when you show slow mo titan slide shooting a heavy machine gun at nokris, -blam!-ing nokris... after the Braytech osprey grind for wayfarer I never want to touch that strike again.
For all the talk about FOMO etc, I have a feeling that I'll be largely done with each season within a couple of months. Might need minimal participation towards the end, but we'll see. That being said: I am curious to see how this all pans out. It wont be to everyones liking, thats for sure, but then nothing ever will be. Some enjoy D2s chirpy tone, I've been re-running D1 and I have to say I prefer its darker, more sober feel. Makes those light-hearted moments more impactful. Can we get Nolan North to be a little less...twinkly?
Although I'll play PvP here and there moving forward, I won't be buying any more dlcs or destiny games. I've had my fill....
Very well spoken. ShadowKeep isnt what its made out to be. I will not be coming back.
I appreciate you going out of your way to make a feedback like response to Bungie, but I would have taken it more seriously if you proofread and structured it better honestly. Don’t use slang or offensive language (not that it’s offending anyone honestly), totally discredits you. Makes the reader feel either for you or against you. I only write this comment, not to be a pantomath, but because I think more feedback should be given to Bungie that is well structured and looks good to read. Imagine if everyone gave such a feedback that is worth while to read. I know it’s asking a lot, but rather suggest a solution than stand back shaking my head and fist saying how toxic this community is (definitely not saying you’re doing that). If you don’t care and think Bungie doesn’t either, just ignore this comment and carry on wayward son ;)
Everything you wrote is exactly why they have to deliver to the hardcore. The group just outside of hardcore is burning out and they need to milk this cow for all its worth.
The one statement I'd like to comment on is the idea that raids should be content that you can pick up slack of other players. 1 or 2? Sure, I'd say this statement is 100% true and I'd argue it is. I've five manned scourge with some of my friends who casually play maybe once or twice a week. 3 or more? Hell no. The idea that you should be able to pull half of a raid force through a raid is laughable at best. Honestly I'm getting sick of people who act like raiding is supposed to be a casual activity. It's not. It's the top of the mountain and it deserves to be treated as such. No game that has raids or similar content is treated as casual.
The term “vocal minority” is so painfully true in this comment section it’s comedic lol. Bless them, acting like them leaving the game will impact anything yet they still gotta tell everyone they’re leaving 🤣.
I think until Bungie admits that D2 was just a complete shadow of it's predecessor the game will never be great again. D2 will never have potential or that sense of wonder which D1 had. It's a shame they didn;t just build off of what they had in D1 then it probably would have been a smoother two years.
Edited by hyperpool: 9/18/2019 3:04:44 PMi used the sugar coated shit in a previous post a few weeks ago. bungo really needed to take its time before launching the next DLC. but we will just get a same garbage and this is why i will not be buying the next DLC. they could have coming out smelling of roses by giving us the real Destiny. but they've taken the route of following all the poor games producers EA, Bethesda etc. battle passes and over priced micro transactions with in game currency. I'm not against micro transactions if they are not buy to win and actually at a reasonable price. there not for me but there are gamers who enjoy having different skins, shaders etc. shame they could have been the first people say its fair and not a money grab. also you tubers like Skill up and Jim sterling giving them praise for setting the bar on fairness and treating gamers as games not whales
The thing is the players they are building the game for are the ones that will play every time they get a chance. There is no FOMO because we will finish the new content the day or first few days it's released. You don't have to buy the 10 season to play the main game, stick to what you can keep up with or go to a traditional style game not a live service game where players are constantly asking for more things to do.
Edited by Oryx's Slimy Worm: 9/18/2019 4:50:28 AMIm just so tired of redecorated content. Patrol zone is from D1, exotics returning from D1, crucible maps returning from D1, weapon forge idea from CoO, same enemys but "revived". I get that they are trying to build a universe here and itll eventually lead to a big outcome bit im tired of paying for content that I bought in years past. Who knows, maybe there are a bunch of exotics or crucible maps they havent released as theyre trying to keep it a suprise, but fsr I highly doubt that.