[quote]I think I've gotten everything they promised with Forsaken and the annual pass.
You guys and your stance on microtranactions, please go play a game without them your choices are limited. Yes I know the best looking gear is in the cash shop just like every other game that has them.[/quote]
There are only like 14 million played who don’t feel like Bungie are delivering on promises so you must be on to something.
Again most of those players left around the Osiris dlc and never looked back. You know when all the casuals gamers could keep up. Yoy know D1 had a similar retention right. Also about the same daily log in numbers. Actually most games lose over 90 percent of the players that ever play the game. You can look at great history over there on steam. Plus there is absolutely no way to tell how many unique accounts play weekly or monthly, like everyone keeps saying most players are casual not daily. But you go ahead and keep beating the same drum the D1 trolls played, I'll be playing Destiny for at least the next 5 years.