There was a time in season of opulence I got very excited and preordered SK. I wish I could go back in time and slap myself!
[spoiler]either way I won‘t be coming back until they do something about this whole mess.[/spoiler]
Edited by Astellan: 9/20/2019 12:30:11 AMI was going to preorder but I always like to know what the expansion is about before buying. I have been playing MMOs for a long time. All failed MMOs always have a few things in common. One they get a dev team who will rollback previous work. Whenever a Dev team does a rollback that is a sign that the team (current or past) is suffering incompetent leadership. Now a rollback can be good but on the average it only good when a new Dev Team initiates it.a Dev team that rolls back their own changes generally should be fired.Two, no coherent vision, they have no clue what the experience is supposed to be so every change is a pendulum swing. Three, the attempt to minimize work for themselves. Everything is half-measures and stop gaps, never a true confrontation of the real issues. Now Bungie has added some new entries. Such as the promise to fix what is broken before the new content is release, which just admittinv your content is fubar'd before it has even been released. I am pretry sure if we got to look at the company's internal emails, that Bungie's Dev team is under a crisis of leadership.
I learned back when I pre-ordered The Taken King to never do that again. Bungie had the opportunity to move this game forward in a good direction when Forsaken released. The Annual passes and now the battle passes are what is killing this game IMO. There is a lot more money spent on this game vs actual content that is offered. I never felt that way playing D1, especially how the game picked up from the April update all the way through ROI that was well spent money for the content.