My quest for unlocking the Gofannon forge has completely disappeared. Yesterday before maint I finished the elite and precision sniper kills and got to where I needed powerful kills for the 20-ish radiant seeds, and now the quest is completely gone. I had it tracked yesterday and now it's not only not tracked anymore, but it's not even in my quest log (pursuits).
Yes, I have checked my pursuit filter, both quest and bounty and all.
Yes, I've logged into a different character.
Yes, I've logged out, exited B.Net and logged back in. Several times.
Yes, I've made sure my game is fully updated.
Apparently we can't put in Blizzard tickets anymore? So I hope this is where I'm supposed to put this because it's where they sent me.
Can someone please help??
Thanks so much!
Edited by Gamer jx: 9/18/2019 4:59:55 PMHello, This is intended. Any Legendary Forge Frames in your inventory are removed at weekly reset. [quote]Ritual Frame quests carried across reset now “refund” into purchased currency “Gold” frames refunded into one Ballistics Log “Silver” frames refunded into three Modulus Reports Any instance of a “Radiant Matrix” removed on weekly reset [url=]Destiny 2 Update 2.1.4[/url][/quote] You will need to pick up the frame again from Ada-1.