I honestly don't even understand why you guys put stuff on the forums. It's guaranteed to get a thread full of negativity. It looks great but you wouldn't know by the responses. I'm excited, can't wait to play it!
They get negativity due to the harsh reality of what Destiny is... as opposed to the Destiny that is pimped.
Their ViDocs / Previews / Hype Videos always "look great". Destiny, the game is very pretty and game play is usually fluid and solid. But it's their constant meddling, nerfs, weird decisions and insistence we need to play it "their way" by Bungie that make them open to ridicule. Bungie gets no money from me going forward at all until they prove they respect my time as a player.
Different players have different opinions. Simple.
Thanks for the lolz
Are you new to Destiny? Or are you the kind of person that takes commercials at face value? This ViDoc is an attempt to build hype. It's not like they haven't done this before, and then failed to deliver. It's pretty much what they always do. I rarely see a criticism on this forum that isn't well-founded. Even if many are often poorly worded, a complaint isn't automatically "negativity". A person that can think, and likes Destiny, will complain. Because this person wants Destiny to be better, and let's be honest, Destiny [i]should[/i] be a lot better by now. That is not negativity. A stupid person that likes Destiny is more of a detriment to the community, because they will eat shit and love it. These people actually defend Eververse, and all manner of nonsense. That is a lot more negative.
I believe commercials. Needless to say, when I went to my local Canyonero dealership to get my country-fried truck endorsed by a clown, I was disappointed to see that it was NOT 12 yards long, two lanes wide, and 65 tons of American Pride. Nor does it seat 35. Talk about disillusioned...
Forsaken was pretty good.
[i]This game is shit[/i]- every constructive criticism this forums has to offer. So yeah negativity at its finest Forsaken built up so much hype and guess what it did? It revived the franchise with high praise. This dlc is gonna do the exact same, revive the franchise as its moving on to another major expansion.
[quote][i]This game is shit[/i]- every constructive criticism this forums has to offer. [/quote] Untrue.
[quote][quote][i]This game is shit[/i]- every constructive criticism this forums has to offer. [/quote] Untrue.[/quote] More true that not, really.