It's not working, a lot of players left after forsaken launched, just look at the numbers. Now they're trying to just appeal to new players
Apparently it still works for them. When people stop supporting their BS, the game will become better. Until then, it’s the same old, same old...
[quote]Apparently it still works for them. When people stop supporting their BS, the game will become better. Until then, it’s the same old, same old...[/quote] The real issue is that people will happily dump money into hobbies, a lot of whom arent the bread winners, so people will accept things of a lower standard because the dont know any better or they can afford to drop 60 on a game and move on if they dont like it. That leaves those of us that actually like and follow the game prime cattle to be milked. Now imagine a world where if you didn't like a game after playing it for let's say 48 hours, not concurrently, you could get your money back.... I guarantee Anthem would never have been release in it current state, nor would any of the other fly by nights have made money on the dross they've been gawking for years....because we put up with it.