[quote]How is the game not fine? Is it because these trash post say so or is it your opinion? Are you going to bring up daily player counts during the longest content drought of year 2 which happens to occur when BL3 released? They just said they have a plan for the next 5 years.
There isn't a single post on here that doesn't have a troll attached to it.
When they do respond they get bashed with hate replies. It happened back in year 1 D1 to this isn't a new thing and they ate a lot more active and transparent now and more than ever.
Should they respond to every post? The community managers have to be vague with replies, the sky would fall if they passed along the wrong info.
What important issues has Bungie not addressed?[/quote]
Wow. Just wow. So you havent been following anything that's been going on at all?
The nerfs the rebalancing the heavily but sadly now necessary focus on eververs, the f2p model the statement from Bungie that they keep hitting crunches and they cant cope. As for the 5 year plan it was supposed to be 10 years and was as far as we were told still on track until that poorly conceived blub letter from Smith, where they admit they LIED.
You either missed all of that or you forgot or you just have no clue what so ever.
Because the game fine..../facepalm
There are trolls on every forum, I dont see the Brave Sir Robin approach Bungie takes anywhere else, because what a joke the company would be that couldn't control their own channels.
We are not asking for them to reap d to every post, jesus what is wrong with you? Do you have no perspective?
Prime example that I've already mentioned was the paid account recoveries thread very recently, lots of replies up votes and not one response from Bungie.
A thread about buffing a fusion rifle was responded to with a joke.
You honestly think that is an acceptable was for a service corporation to behave?
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