Pre-ordered every Destiny release through Forsaken Annual Pass. When I needed to complete a non-matchmade NF to open the last forge, I realized this game was going in a direction that wasn't for me. Regardless of the fact that I [b][i]could[/i][/b] have beaten it solo(almost got it the first attempt, but those darn pebbles tripped me up and I got sacked. XD Had that satchel of Richards, Kargen, down to about 10% HP too), it just gave me a moment of pause.
Edited by Gansito: 9/19/2019 4:12:16 PMMy dude i soloed that nightfall. It isnt hard if you use a little brain power
That is why I said this.... [quote]Regardless of the fact that I could have beaten it solo(almost got it the first attempt, but those darn pebbles tripped me up and I got sacked. XD Had that satchel of Richards, Kargen, down to about 10% HP too), it just gave me a moment of pause.[/quote] I know I could have done it, if I cared to try again after the first attempt. All I'm saying is that it was this moment that lead me to the realization that the game was going in a direction that wasn't for me. I'll hang around a bit longer to see if I'm proven wrong, but I'm not optimistic. That said, I do not begrudge anyone that enjoys the game in it's current and future state.
At this point, Imo Forsaken is the only decent thing that was released. Making quality content is not what this company is about anymore and that alone is what has killed the concept of this game.
Eh, I did enjoy everything through Forsaken for what it was and I had a good bit of fun running the other Forges as well. Still, you have an excellent point with your last thought.
Nothing wrong with you enjoying what you have. I'm just looking at the past work Bungie has done with D1 vs D2.