Yeah I get what you’re response would be:
GTA: Everything in that game is micro transactions and they even have a real money casino for in game currency. That was one of their recent DLCs. So I would only consider that free if you don’t use it. But that’s a crazy MTX design, I don’t know of any other games that have something like that, it’s banned in many countries due to gambling laws.
Fortnite: Strictly free to play, everything else MTX. I don’t have much to say about Fortnite, that model went viral and they were making a billion dollars per month on mtx. PER MONTH. That’s crazy.
Division 2: They made all year 1 DLC free as a show of good faith to bring back players that left during the disaster of the first division launch. Wouldn’t be a bad idea for Bungie to do something similar and communicate it as such. But the only time Bungie has really been in as dire a situation was during Curse of Osiris.
Anthem: Well this is just an effing train wreck. I actually loved the gameplay until the sheer shallowness of the actual game design reered its ugly head. I don’t think there’s really any DLC planned. There was a cataclysm event thing, but I don’t know if another game that flopped this hard
I get what you’re saying, those are just my thoughts on your examples. I guess the reason Bungie does this is just sheer operating costs. The closest example you gave was Division, but Ubisoft has such a refined open world engine that I imagine they don’t need as many bodies to maintain it. I think a lot of Bungie’s development challenges stem from their engine. The “content is hard to make” comment to me means it’s hard to make on their engine.
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