Dr. Titan arrived at the elevator, pausing for a moment. Something didn’t feel right. His journey to the elevator was uninterrupted, uneventful. After what had occurred, he was not sure he could trust anyone. Least of all himself, as he felt like he failed in some capacity. Not for Ring specifically, but…felt like he failed to predict some outcome.
The elevator dinged his floor.
Titan looked up to see the doors opening up, the small lights inside turning blue for arrival. As he stepped inside, they turned green, a sign the elevator was in perfect condition. Yet…something felt off.
He looked around the elevator, then stopped. It was…shaking?
He jumped out as fast as possible as the lights suddenly turned red, and the elevator plummeted to the bottom floor. Titan looked back at the now-empty elevator shaft, seeing that one of the reinforced steel cables had been impossibly cut. Gut instincts had saved him once again.
Titan grabbed his brass knuckles and stood up. He heard something move behind him and looked toward the hallway he had come from, as a shadowy figure moved around the corner.
“Oh, -blam!-, -blam!-, no! You don’t get to run, mother-blam!-er!” Titan yelled as he gave chase down the halls.
Giant paced around the empty cellblock. Traffic Cone sat on a nearby chair. Liam had his arms crossed, and Nighthawk quietly paced in his cell. “So there is another murderer, eh? Interesting to say the least.” Nighthawk dryly remarked.
“What is interesting is the fact that some -blam!-er like you is just so happened to be in the same building as the rest of us. A murderer who just so happened to-“ Liam began.
“Copy my methods in hopes recreating them and force some falsehood onto me?” Nighthawk quickly asked.
“Well…yeah!” Liam shifted.
“First of all, the turret is stellar work for someone who is a lazy killer. You gotta rely on some better traps than that. Secondly, every single killer has what you might call…a signature.” Nighthawk explained. “This means that-“
“The way he kills is his unique way, we get it. This has been stated to death on every crime-fighting TV Show.” Giant replied bluntly.
“Well, the way this person kills is unique, as he seems to broadcast how someone has died, whereas I used paintings I ordered to show how they died,” Nighthawk explained. “You find the broadcast booth, you find the killer.”
Traffic cone stood up. “And if he isn’t in there?”
Nighthawk shrugged.
“Well -blam!-.”
Liam turned to him. “Don’t worry Cone, we’ll find this killer, and make him pay for attempting to kill the Emperor of-“
“Why do I hear screeching?” Giant suddenly said.
All three of them turned to look toward Giant, who was near the elevator. They could hear it, a small metallic screeching, growing louder. Giant looked back toward the others, who merely shrugged. Giant decided to pry open the elevator door with his Battle Axe, and looked up. All he could see was orange, on fire, elevator plummeting toward him. The rational part of his brain suddenly yelled the most logical thing he could think of.
“DUCK AND COVER!!!!!!” He yelled.
Everyone ran from the elevator as it hit the bottom, filing the whole bottom room with smoke and flame.
Charles checked the corner, and once again, nothing was there. He looked back into the room as Tilman was talking. “When the whole thing went down, Varvatos just disappeared. Look, we gotta look for him.”
“No way, we are staying here.” Six argued. “This area is defensible, one way in, and has supplies like food and water. If we stay here, we can wait out the killer and hopefully hold on long enough for the Ninja’s to come in and rescue us.”
“And if they don’t know we’re here?” Timns asked.
“Then we kill the killer ourselves if he comes at us. Especially if it is Varvatos. ‘Glorious death’ my ass. He’ll find we won’t break.” Six responded.
“Unless you are the killer, Six and you want to kill all of us easier,” Tilman stated with distrust in his voice.
Charles looked back into the hall half-heartedly, keeping a lookout. How could anyone of them survive if they kept bickering? Surely they could-
Suddenly, he saw a shadow, whizz right by him. He stumbled back, grasping his Sheriff’s revolver, and stepped out into the hall.
“Charles?” Six asked.
“I thought I saw someone run by! Kinda looked like-“
Heavy footsteps interrupted him as he turned a corner and was pummeled by someone. “THOUGHT YOU COULD KILL ME MOTHER -blam!-ER?!” The attacker yelled. Suddenly, Charles was being punched hard in the face, feeling his facial muscles break, his skull cracking. He didn’t even scream
“CHARLES!” Six, Tilman, and Timns rushed out, only to find Titan beating up a bloody pulp of a face. “HA! You weren’t ready for the pain train you -blam!-ing killer! AIN’T NOBODY EVER READY FOR-“ Titan looked up to see all three pointing weapons at him. “Wait, Timns? Davy? Tilman? What are you…” He looked back down.
“Da shhhhhhhhiiiiiiieeeeeeeeetttttttt.”
Charles’ face resembled a crushed tomato at this point. He wasn’t breathing.
Titan stood up, hands shaking. “Did….Did I just-“
The speaker's loud announcement sound interrupted him. The warped robotic voice spoke again. “13 little Offtopics…One got played like a fiddle and beat another into a thick red pulp. 12 little Offtopics…who shall die next?”
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