originally posted in:Clan Finder
[u]About Me[/u]
- [b]I am an older gamer:[/b] I game [i]solely[/i] to take a mental break from the demands of work and life. It's escapism and, although I can obsess with the best of them, I do not take it seriously enough to get upset when things don't go my way during an activity.
- [b]Preferred Classes:[/b] I go between Titan and Warlock. Will work my Hunter, but it'll never be my main (see below). I just finished unlocking all of my Warlock's Attunement of Grace skills. Need to do the other ones and all of them on my Titan.
- [b]Skill Level:[/b] I have [i]laughably[/i] bad stick skills, no sense of direction, and an abysmal memory. I tend to play support roles where my focus is not on racking up kills. I am at my best when someone can tell me where to go (if I'm lead tanking), shadowing somoene, or holding a point.
- [b]I Play for Laughs:[/b] But not at anyone's expense. I make jokes and I enjoy hearing them. I enjoy death-by-duncery as much as I enjoy a hard-fought victory (maybe more).
- [b]Sytems & Location:[/b] PS4, United States, Central Time Zone.
[u]The clan I am looking for is:
[/u]- [b]Supportive:[/b] The focus is on helping each other. When I am on, I will almost always help another player run/do whatever.
- [b]Mature:[/b] If you rage at players because they don't live up to your skill expectations or you break your controller when things don't go your way, we will [b]not[/b] get along. It's a game. Maybe you're a pro player, but I'm not getting paid to play and I sure as Hades am not spending my time with people who make my gaming experience miserable.
- [b]Casual with Minimal Requirements:[/b] I work. volunteer, and have some semblance of a social life. Those are my priorities. Gaming helps fill the blank spots which means I play erratically. I may play 20 hours one weekend, a few random hours during a week, or not play for a week or more. (I expect some obsessive playing with the new update in October.)
If you think I'd be a great fit for your clan, then I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Hey zan. I can relate to how busy life can get and most of us in the clan are family Men and women. I sent you an invite if your still looking for a clan to call home. And yeah, we like to joke around quite a bit...lol