With the release of the latest media presentation regarding the new DLC I thought I'd ask if others have ordered Shadowkeep. I have yet to do so myself.
I bought it because i believe in Bungie. Maybe they're still fiddling to make things "perfect" but knowing their background a little, between lore, humor and things to shoot at, i'm okay with the mistakes. Quick background: played some of their earliest [b]Mac[/b] games (Marathon) and, after getting over being pissed the Mac got pushed aside for the Xbox release of Halo, still happy with every game they've put out where they had majority of creative control (Halo one and two, ODST, ...). And really, even if it seems weird, i enjoy the different bounties because they force me to try different weapons and tend to cycle what i use (exception being Gambit, where i have to be prepared to do any role). tl;dr... old fan, enjoy the game as it is.