A couple of things:
[quote]stronger moderation is needed[/quote]
Disagree, a forum built specifically around not being critical is what the Destiny /r’s are for. Heavy moderation there. Very heavy. Ironically, those /r’s were started by Bungie employees. They deliberately propagate Bungie’s ideas and if someone isn’t onboard with one, there is little room for disputes, or open-mindedness.
[quote]customers should be acting like adults not toddlers.[/quote]
I wish it were that simple, but the lowest common denominator to post here on this forum is to be age 13, and have made it to the farm. I wish it were otherwise, but it’s not, and it’s exactly how Bungie has chosen to handle this forum. For better or worse.
[quote]Bungie just released a vidoc and there are people here arguing that they didn't say the things they said. I swear if Bungie said the sky was blue people here would call them liars and argue that it's purple.[/quote]
This logic is backwards though. What Bungie is doing is telling us the sky is purple while we are all looking at a beautiful blue sky. It’s absolutely true that Bungie calls this game an “awesome action mmo”. But..., some of us play real mmo’s. Games that have in-game trading of crafted items. Games that have multiple classes and subclasses and a smorgasbord of ways to set them up, heck, in ffxiv my Blacksmith has more content associated with it than both of the Destiny’s combined, and it’s not even a main character, nothing more than a crafter, to go along with the more than dozen other crafters and harvester’s, and I haven’t even discussed the main characters! Games that have infrastructure built to accept more than two tether’s in the witches ritual heroic public event. Etc..., you get the point. Bungie can call what is obviously a chicken a pig, all day long. But, until that pig grows wings, starts clucking, and lays eggs, it will never be a chicken.
Clearly, Bungie wants this game to be an mmo, and I truly hope they are successful, that concept excites me wrt a long future for this game. But, simply saying it’s an mmo does not an mmo make. Bungie has a lot to do! A lot! Yes, ShadowKeep is/was a first step. But, now, they have 5,279 more feet to go to complete this mile long journey. A tiny first step, albeit a first step.
[b][i][u]Actions, not words[/b][/i][/u]
Edit: Grammar
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