[spoiler]spoiler: the coat isn't important![/spoiler]
*You look for the next tape, but it’s blue, so you find the next red one, which is very deep in the box. Why’d it have to be VHS tapes? You pass number 69, heh, you are not sure what kind of tape it is, as it is labeled in a lighter red, but you don’t wanna check it out, for your sake. You find the next red tape and read the title*
[b]TeSt On3 FiFTy NEIN![/b]
*He still hasn’t fixed his handwriting. You shake your head as you insert and play.
The screen shows Sumpig in his lab again, having healed his arm and apparently recovered from the dirt hitting him in the head.
He’s is no longer holding an iPad and his lab coat has been replaced with the same grey trench coat from that earlier video. His gloves are now black and his boots... no wait his boots are the same.*
Test… uh, one fifty nine. Hey hey hey guys! After so many tests. And I mean SO MANY. I finally came up with a development that rivals that of tape 69!
*So that tape was just a coincidence*
I have a way of NOT teleporting the subject without their wool, skin, accessories, etc.
Sorry again Lamby! I told you the wool would grow back!
*You hear a Baaaa come from the side of the room.*
Well, after the failed test subjects, I started using inanimate objects, but now I think it's okay to test creatures again. Starting with, a dog!
*he chuckles*
No I’m kidding, after that first incident I am not using dogs again.
*Sumpig looks up to the sky*
I’m sorry Fluffy.
*He looks back down*
Oh the blood still haunts me.
Anyways, the candidate! Is a camera, not this camera, but another one.
*He pulls out an old filming camera from his trench coat, probably like the one he is currently using to film right now*
I’m gonna put the ATMM device on the camera and activate it, and run away. The machine, now stored safely in another room and able to reach anywhere, will then teleport the camera to some random destination I push and then send it back! I started putting a timer on the ATMM devices, unlike the first time, so I won’t be teleported or anything like before.
*He shivers*
All right lets start!
*He sets the camera down. Then he takes out a small remote from his pocket and places it on the camera and duct tapes it together. He gets the camera rolling and pushes a button on the device. Then he runs away past the screen and a flash and a bang come from the remote. When you can see again, the camera is gone. Then Sumpig waits. The feed cuts and Sumpig is standing in front of the camera.*
Soooo. Um yeah I forgot that camera doesn’t send back live footage… and it can’t get the remote to come back… so.
*Sumpig looks down, then back up*
Guess thats all folks. See ya next tape.
*The screen goes black
But before you take the tape out, the screen cuts to footage apparently from the camera with bold text saying:
[b]I found the camera![/b]
The footage shows the lab from the second camera's perspective. Then a bright flash of white covers the screen. After it fades, you are shown a nice red barn on a grassy field and to the left of it, a nice two story house with a [i]great[/i] porch. A few minutes later a figure leaves the barn and starts walking towards the house. Half way there, they look over to the camera. Turns out it's actually Sumpig, and he runs over to the camera and picks it up. There is no audio but he seems to be cheering. The he turns the camera off and the screen goes black.*
Is good. Will bump!