Hello I'm trying to play destiny on pc from ps4 and I've never played xbox to I'm trying to cross save and I get to the authentication page for cross save and I says I have an Microsoft account with a user name I've never even heard of I'm trying to delete it and dont know what to do I just wanna transfer stuff from ps4 to pc but this weird xbox name is stopping me from doing it cause I have to authenticate an account I've never been on help me bungie plz delete the xbox thing off my bungie .net account
Bungie plz remove the xbox account I've never heard of on my account I'm trying to cross play from ps4 to pc bought a 3000 dollar pc and cant play on my account cause of this xbox account I've never even heard of I'm trying to unlink it but I need to know the info to do so but I've never heard of the account I play on ps4 never played xbox in my like the user is acidlocket99252 plz help I'm tying to play shadow keep