originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Looking for a nice and friendly clan to do raids, weekly quests and maybe pvp with.
Im a Hunter main playing on ps4.
Psn: Nickvz-0180
Got a headset if needed
Hi, come join Sparrow Fire. We are a small UK based year 1 PS4 clan looking only to recruit a few more active guardians. If you feel we can help each other then message one of the admins. We are active through the week and normally have a get together on a Sunday evening (UK time). Our main objective is to get the job done whilst having as much fun as possible so for us, Destiny is as much about messing about with friends in chat as it is taking down Raid bosses. If you want an invite send a message to the team here http://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=672732 or message Sir_Dadz, Grinder_No1, illuminati_KidXx or FubarCigar in game. All we ask of you is that you want to join in and above all else, be chill. Markyd