originally posted in:Clan Finder
I'm a fairly active player (just hit 900 light) and im looking for a clan for both PvE and PvP. I didn't play forsaken but I did the raids in destiny 1 and also the leviathan raid.
Send inv on PS4
Best regards
Hey there guardian, We are LOST LEGION a European clan with members from UK / Europe. Including our friends in the States (USA). All our members are friendly, English speaking and active. Weekends may vary due to family commitments. We are looking for adult (21+) members to join our group. We’re a casual to active clan, seeking all end game activities. <<LOST LEGION REQUIREMENTS>> @ You MUST be 21+yrs old to join our group; @ You MUST be on PS4 platform; @ You MUST use our BAND group for communication with the group/ setting up events; We will send you an invite when you join. @ Failure to join us on Band or respect others in the clan will result in your removal from the clan. @ Enjoy! Our admins, Founder and Members are always at hand to help should you need support in an activity or questline. Simply create an event on Band and wait for a member to join. <<IMPORTANT>> If you are inactive for an extended period, simply let our Founder know or you will be removed after approx 1 month. We try and keep active players to ensure you have someone to play with. Please note we are GMT time zone. [Note]: if YOU are already in a clan but want to join ours, you need to leave your old clan first before we can approve you into our clan. Give us a go - Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3434446 See you soon, The Lost Legion Admins. SHADOW KEEP IS HERE, JOIN LOST LEGION AND FIGHT FOR YOUR LIGHT.
Are you a good-humored adult with a robust inner child? On PS4? Competitive much? Day-one-raid before? Want to be part of more than just a clan? CONSIDER OLDWOLVES! Quality > quantity. Do you have crown of sorrow gear? Tarabah? Anarchy? 1K Voices? Acrius? Recluse? Lunas howl? Not Forgotten? Revoker? Mountaintop? Because we do! 😂😂 Feel free to have a look at my raid report. I do a lot of Sherpas for my clan. https://raid.report/ps/WingManWilbur Requirements: 1. Be over 21+ years old. (Our avg is closer to 40+) 2. Have a mic and get involved with the clan members 3. 850+ power level (no exceptions) 4. DONT BE A POTATO (Have a Raid clear, a pvp pinnacle weapon, SOMETHING!) That's it. Message or comment and I'll get you an I'll get you an invite.