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10/6/2019 12:19:46 PM

Bungie, please remove the restrictions on Armor and Mod combinations

It's annoying that we have to have specific elements (Void, Arc, Solar) for certain mods. Some Exotics have no place in certain builds now because of it. Armor 2.0 was supposed to enable us to have more customization options but with the combo restrictions and the insane cost of materials (and especially glimmer) needed, creating a build just isn't fun. It's a chore. Funnily enough, with the increased number of options and the ability to make very specific builds ( or at least attempt to), I've put less time into builds now than I ever have. Some of the restrictions seem like they exist just for the sake of having restrictions.

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  • I think the mod elemental difference adds more depth because it makes you consider different elemental types for different things. The elemental type coupled with limited energy (10 max each) makes use make difficult trade offs. If all mods were available on every element type we will just end up putting the same (go to) mods on everything. The ones that are universal seem fair. It’ll (in my opinion) homogenize build crafting. Make it so we have that one optimal build in the game.

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    • Also, don't even think about raiding right now.... You will FAIL. Some will get it done, but the odds are very low. If you completed, good for you, you are one of the few. Look at the stats via achievements on xbox and ps4. How many times does your team wipe and everyone is like what happened? Bungie is milking these raids for everything they can. They want you to watch their fake community on twitch and youtube. They don't want you raiding. They want you watching. This is the number 1 reason we don't have matchmaking for raids. Bungie knows they would get exposed if too many people get in and figure out that Bungie's Programming is wiping you for know reason at all. This game is garbage with BS mechanics that are designed to wipe you until they have milked their raid for everything they can. I've watched 3 or 4 hours of raid gameplay and I've wittnessed wipe after wipe for no reason at all. Bungie is playing with peoples souls. They know everyone is afraid of screwing up so if the raid wipes... most people are like "well it wasn't me".. and the beat goes on. Rat in a cage, Monkey? we are all getting clowned by Bungie.

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      32 Replies
      • Bumpity bump

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      • Armor 2.0 is regression in so many ways. Not to mention costs to upgrade anything. Going into this dlc with 1,200+ cores I was like “I should be fine to recreate my builds” But... 10,000 crucible tokens and 500 mw cores later and I’m still not even close to having 1 of my 3 armor builds I like. I just gave up completely and am restocking what I spent. Hopefully by next season we can go back to armor 1.5 (forsaken-opulence) as that was literally perfect and I don’t understand why anything needed changing. Oh yeah! Another point (sorry if this just seems like rambling) So... from year 1 to year 2 there was a bit of a change to armor. But... for an example. A comfortable build for me on my hunter is 10mobility 3 resilience 1 recovery. Going from year 1 to two they didn’t do anything to change the stats of my old armor besides removed the mods, so I just had to replace the one mobility mod I used on my cape when I was able. Going from opulence to shadowkeep... You took the armor I built and reduced it from 10-3-1 to 6-1-1. If anything... the way it should have worked out is that it left your mobility/resilience/recovery alone. And you would just have low stats of intillect/strength/discipline because it’s not armor 2.0. It working out this way has really taken a lot of the enjoyment out of just everything for me. So many materials later and I still can’t hit 10 mobility until I find a armor 2.0 mobility mod. I feel like a turtle and I don’t like it 😢 I try to vent because I love this game and wana see it get better. It just seems to be drifting ever backwards... 🌹❤️

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      • And this is why I kept a few sets of 1.0 armor. Of course, 2.0 has an edge, but it’s expensive to upgrade

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      • Armour 2.0 is a pile of shite.

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      • I made a post about this as soon as they showed the affinity system they were implementing. Thank god everyone is starting to realize how annoying this system is.

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      • Yep, that’s why I’m sticking with my 1.0 armor. Already had all the perk choices I wanted on the set anyways.

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        3 Replies
        • I hate the elemental thing it’s just another way of artificially extending the game

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        • We will get it...just wait another 2years

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        • The worst part is that they force you to use certain weapons to apply the artifact mods for their stupid champions. Why I am forced to use an auto rifle to complete an activity? This is just stupid. Armor mods not transferred to reuseable is a total screw up from Bungie.

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        • Agreed. Remove the element shit tied to it

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        • [quote]Armor 2.0 was supposed to enable us to have more customization options but with the combo restrictions and the insane cost of materials (and especially glimmer) needed, creating a build just isn't fun. It's a chore...Some of the restrictions seem like they exist just for the sake of having restrictions.[/quote] Dude that is the point. Bungie looks at any situation and asks "How can we -blam!- the player". Why do you think bungie removed all the good armor mods and forces the crap-est ones in the game that should never have been made in the first place like "dexterity". At this point we know that Luke Smith is a lying sadist.

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        • Armor 2.0 is a giant FAIL.

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        • I have 3 1.0 builds specifically worked towards. They will stay with my hunter as can easily outperform new 2.0 system. Restrictions they put and the few mods available have little purpose. I tried to set up my special glowing armor I worked hard for. Realized every piece omg allows the same 4 mods. Absolute garbage and I hid once again lied their asses off to he bank.

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        • Subclass 2.0 would've been better

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          2 Replies
          • If they would let us change the armor type I wouldn't mind it so much. The grinding process for armor really should be for the cool-down stats and buff stats. I think it should be like a polarity thing if they won't let us change its element then make it to where we take increased damage of an incorrect mod being equipped, example if you put solar mod on void armor you take increased solar damage and void on void increases void resistance of course this should only apply to pve. And give us a mods tab in collections that show us all the mods we can get so we can see what they do with out looking it up online or have the right armor and type to see it.

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          • Speaking of restrictive, the whole anti-barrier and overload rounds makes using what you want in activities that require them a pain. I had to run a double primary loadout just in case a champion that required those mods appeared.

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            • I got a few mods from banshee and I cant equip a single one because I now need to synergize it with the specific element, on top of that I have to look for certain stats in order to try and make a build. I agree it should be removed, Im getting armors with amazing stats and I have to dismantle them because it wont pair well with what I play with.

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              • Agree 100%. Armor mods did not transfer, and we can't stack the good ones anyways... not a good system at all :(

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              • Armor 2.0 is a huge complicated fail. I shouldn't need a college degree to understand how to spec what I want. Also, my existing armor mods in my inventory DID NOT turn into the 2.0 equivalents. So.. that sucks

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                • Bungie please remove hunters

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                  • Honestly, I like that Bungie made it so that we can choose our own mods to put on armor, but I haven't even messed with the new system. I wear my old Last Wish set for pretty much everything because it's got the perks I want (gotta level it up though) and I use my "new" Swordflight set for style.

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                  • You can get armor to tier 5 without using really any materials because it's just a handful of shards and glimmer both of which are incredibly easy to get. Plus when you infuse say a vouch safe into another vouch safe you liked using it only costs 1k glimmer now which is much cheaper than the last system. Don't go infusing different gears together and you'll save a ton

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                    11 Replies
                    • This is why I've been pairing old armor with new armor pieces or sticking with the old stuff altogether. Hell my old soltice chest piece has a higher attribute rating that anything I've gotten so far and I'm LL 925.

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                    • As long as I can still have taken and hive armaments, I couldn’t give a shit about the rest of the build.

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