It's annoying that we have to have specific elements (Void, Arc, Solar) for certain mods. Some Exotics have no place in certain builds now because of it.
Armor 2.0 was supposed to enable us to have more customization options but with the combo restrictions and the insane cost of materials (and especially glimmer) needed, creating a build just isn't fun. It's a chore.
Funnily enough, with the increased number of options and the ability to make very specific builds ( or at least attempt to), I've put less time into builds now than I ever have.
Some of the restrictions seem like they exist just for the sake of having restrictions.
I have completely given up on total customization of my gear. Once I reach max light, I'm just going to upgrade to 5 energy and use the armor neutral mods and maybe go to 6 total energy to add a +1 mod. It's waaaaay cheaper to do that that to completely masterwork your gear. Right now, I've just been putting on whatever is the highest light. I hate having low mobility, recovery, resilience and having garbage super time. The grenade and melee times are pretty much the same as always of you have at least tier 3 stats on them so that part doesn't really feel too different. All in all, the new system is a dumpster fire. Bungie lied in the Vidoc about being able to play and look how we want. They've always lied though. Gotta get that money. Sigh.