What is the ‘darkness’
what is the ‘light’
Why did the traveler our.... ‘saviour’ wait and wait and wait ...right up until itself was in danger.
While our children were slaughtered and culled,
while the innocent were crushed beneath the red legion.
Perhaps the life of one exo was not worth the enormous effort to spark
Is the traveler our saviour or is it our damnation.
What caused the eliksni to fall.
What horrible crimes did they commit to not be worthy of salvation.
What made humanity so special, So great that we were worthy of the power to slay gods and monsters alike.
What makes the light so... ‘good’?
What makes it so that when a guardian commits an evil deed, he is corrupted by darkness, that it is the so called darkness that is the manifestation of evil.
Is it?
What makes the light so infallible. What makes the traveler good?
The light is a blade it’s actions are not in question it has no fault for the machinations of its wielder.
What of the darkness Is it not too a blade, it’s edge to be commanded by a swordsman, its actions not its own but those of its wielders.
What of the ‘Salvation’ and the ‘traveler’ are they the voices of the light and darkness? Their manifestations? or are they simply the wielders.
Where do we stand?
Are we worshipers of a false machine god? A god that is not as benevolent as we wish it was.
Or are we guardians of humanity.
[quote]A god that is not as benevolent as we wish it was.[/quote] Better then the other god who came here and kicked our butts into a Collapse. To think otherwise is kinda....selfish.