Everyone gathered around in the break room that Six had reinforced earlier. They laid Giant out on the couch, letting him rest. “Good thing that robots are made of steel.” He said quietly, before falling asleep.
Liam looked at everyone else. “Alright, now. We got to figure out what we’re gonna do. The first priority should be figuring out who we’re dealing with. These tapes that we found in Varvatos’ stomach may be a key to helping us.” He motioned with his hand to where Varvatos was walking into a wall.
Varvatos turned and uttered, “Pepsi was the most powerful military empire in the soda business in 1984. Suck on that Coca Cola!!” Before he then began running into the wall again.
“Uhhh...is he gonna be okay?” Aku asked.
“Robots like him will be fine. Unless you damaged their central nervous spine while removing his stomach, Nighthawk.” Chubby sneered.
“Oh just shut it.” Nighthawk shot back. “Be grateful! I pretty much gave you a new body!”
Chubby nodded his head to the side in minor recognition. “I always wanted a larger third le-“
“ANNNNNYWAY!!” Liam interrupted. “Timns, you said you had some sort of idea?”
Timns looked up from cleaning the barrel of the Spartan Laser. “Had an old buddy of mine who went to rehab for supposedly going crazy. The doctors told me he went in his sleep.” He explained.
“Rehab?” Six asked. “We talking like Alcoholics Anonymous? Weed addiction?”
“I think it was a mental disorder, Six,” Timns replied.
“So I was thinking, what if it’s him? Or maybe it’s someone pretending to be him to throw us off the trail?” Timns asked. “His voice and overall mannerisms just feel like-“
“That it could be your old friend?” Eagle piped up.
Timns shifted. “Maybe.”
Varvatos walked past them muttering, “Don’t trust penguins! They are secret spies that hope to use their cuteness to their advantage as they attack us!!!” Varvatos then collapsed on the floor, snoring.
Liam rolled his eyes and crossed bis arms. “The only way we might find out is whether or not it’s him on these tapes. Nighthawk, be a dear would you?” He asked.
“Right-o.” Nighthawk kicked the DVR player, and it began to turn on. He inserted the tape inside, and the screen blared to life. The screen was filled with static, but the speakers began playing. “[i]Is thing on doc?[/i]”the green voice called out.
“[u]Yes yes, it is working now! Feel free to compose yourself for the next interview. How do you feel?[/u]” the other voice asked.
A chair can be heard as if someone was shifting uncomfortably in it. “[i]He keeps coming out. I don’t know how to stop him.[/i]” A clipboard can be heard snapping a paper to its side. A pen or pencil can be heard writing something down. “[I]Any idea how we can stop him Doc?[/i]”
“[u]I believe that with what you are experiencing, stopping this might not be possible. However, coping with this other side of you is quite possible. May I suggest what Sumpig told you?[/u]”
Aku sat up. “Sumpig? Coping?”
“Quiet!” Liam said.
“[i]The..chessboard?[/i]” the first voice asked uncertainly.
The papers can be heard shuffling again. “[u]Precisely, playing games with this side of your malevolent self can lead to some interesting interactions. Be sure to record your interaction with it. In case you forgot, it will be Log #6 for rehabilitation.[/u]” Suddenly the tape begins to produce static, and the tape cuts out. Another tape begins, but this time, it was not with the doctor.
“[b]HEY I’VE GOT AN IDEA![/b]” a loud voice, similar to the previous voice, but filled with hate called out.
“[I]Haha, and what would that be?[/I]” the second voice called out, all too similar to the previous voice in the last tape, as well as the other voice.
“[I]I really don’t wanna know your version of a “killer time”. But, I have a better idea.[/I]” the second voice said as a wooden object could be heard being picked up.
“[b]I’M LISTENING…[/b]” the hateful voice replied.
‘[I]This morning I woke up to a couple of of...gifts. A chessboard, and a radio.[/I]”
Music began playing, a song that was familiar, and a voice that was even more familiar. Despite the familiarity of the voice, the crew cringed to how bad the music was to them. A chair could be heard being moved.
"[b]CATCHY, BUT MY IDEA WAS STILL BETTER[/b]” the hateful voice seemingly pouted.
“[I]Cmon, use one of my limbs to move your pieces.[/I]” The other replied, then without warning, the DVR threw out the tape, leaving the TV with only static on it.
“Well, that isn’t ominous at all.” Six spoke. “Five bucks says that angry voice is the killer.”
“I’d have to agree,” Aku said. “Hey Timns, you okay?”
Everyone turned toward Timns, who turned a few shades of green. Suddenly he threw up in his helmet, leaving his visor a solid green.
“EWWW!” Aku cringed.
After two moments, a small wiper appeared and wiped away the vomit. Two small holes opened on the side, shooting out the solid chunky bits as well as the liquid. Timns face was still green though. “It’s …it's him…”
Nighthawk's hand fell to his blades at his side. “Who? Who are we dealing with here?”
Timns looked at his knives, then up at the rest of the group. His name is-“
The TV suddenly screeched as a video feed was established. Everyone grabbed their weapons and pointed them at the TV, only for the video to stabilize. The killer stared at them in repaired armor from behind the screen. “[b]There we go, 1080p resolution! Now Timns, why ruin the fun of this? I might as well reveal myself since all of you are going to die soon enough.”[/b]
The killer grabbed his mask and pressed two buttons on the side. The front faceplate began to move up, as four metal bars moved outward from the helmet. The killer removed his helmet, revealing a humanoid plant creature, with dangerous yellow eyes.
“IT CAN’T BE!” Timns cried.
“HOLY -blam!-ING SHIT!” Liam backed up.
“Wait, doesn’t he owe me 20 bucks?” Six asked.
"That's what you're worried about?!" Eagle yelled.
“[b][I]Now now…friends.”[/I][/b] Veggethebull said. [b][I]“The night is still young! Let us have a killer time that my other side wouldn’t let us have! Bwahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHAHAH-ACk-BRLc!!! Agh! -blam!-ing pretzels, I knew I shouldn’t have eaten them before this call. Goddamnit, where is my water?[/I][/b]”
Edited by Veggehtehbull: 10/7/2019 8:00:42 PMMWHAHAHAHAHA [spoiler]six sorry bout your money[/spoiler] [spoiler]The Veggie has spooketh[/spoiler]