originally posted in:Clan Finder
Been playing forsaken for a little while and probably buying shadowkeep tomorrow 10/7. I've always played solo and really want to join an active clan to get things done more efficiently. My gt is Strangemayne88. Thanks.
Hello there fellow guardian and welcome to Hive Gave Us Harpies.We are a casual n chill PvE/PvP Xbox One clan, that is here to help our members to further progress in the destiny 2. Whether you're into slaying other guardians in the Crucible, raiding for that sweet sweet loot or doing strikes for some legendary shards, we're the clan for you. Things we do as a clan: Strikes Crucible Gambit Raids Story Missions Dailies Forge Blind Well Menagerie Nightmare Hunts Vex Offensive And just about everything else We do not judge anyone by power level,experience,or your k/d in pvp, but treat every member as equals. There are no silly requirements here like to have high k.d, be active 24/7(everyone has a life outside destiny),be sweaty,or have so n so raid clears, but only to have fun playing destiny 2 with other like-minded individuals. We do use discord for clan communication purposes like: grouping for crucible, raids, strikes n all that. You can even post your loot that you've gotten from xur or from drops, like that exotic or legendary with that God roll you've been wanting.You can download Discord on the iTunes,Apple store or Google play store.Once accepted into clan you'll be provided the link to join. Hope to see you soon fellow guardians, Happy Hunting. Clan Link below https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3758766
[XB1 Clan]Check us out: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3917050]School of Sweet Business Clan Page[/url] We are a brand new clan and looking for members and admins. We are a laid back group of guys who like running a lot of endgame content but mixing it up with gambit and crucible for a change of pace. Our goal is to have enough active members so if anyone is running any activity, you'll be able to find someone to join you and also enough people so that if you want to grind solo for whatever time you have, you don't have to feel guilty by not joining. If you're a new light player overwhelming by all the crap being thrown at you, we can help you through it. We are active most evenings and are US-based (Pacific time). If you're looking for a group to play with or help with any activity, check out our page and request an invite.
[XBOX] Fireteam Eclipse is recruiting raiders! Clearing Garden of Salvation this week. Fireteam Eclipse is still expanding it's members but we are really needing raiders who are available weekday nights 7pm-12am CST. We have a handful of hardcore players who are amazing sherpas and are always willing to teach the inexperienced how to raid. We plan to clear Garden of Salvation before reset on 10/15. Discord is required for rain sign ups. We also have a great pvp community and looking to expand that always! Let me know if you have any questions! Come join an awesome group of kind folks whose core players have been playing together since the launch of D1.
Bunch of Misfit Guardians has 90+ active members across all US time zones. We do raids, gambit, menagerie and pvp. We also help with whatever you need whether it’s triumphs, titles, quests or even campaigns! We don’t have any crazy requirements either, just stay active, play with your clan mates, and treat everyone with respect. And we’ve been around since D1 so you know we’re not going anywhere. If this sounds like a good fit, then message me on Xbox gt Mollie Tov.
Moving Forward Together is an active family style Gaming Community filled with friendly, helpful, loyal, humorous, fun-loving members. We've built an amazing community for our members with our 1 PC & 3 XB Divisions- Whether you’re changing clans, returning or starting out- our door is open and you are welcome to join. Team Up for "ShadowKeep" (PC / NA) MFT ~ Assassin Combat Team (ACT) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=3091364) (XB1) MFT - Special OPS Squad (SOS) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2729509 (XB1) Moving Forward Together (MFT) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1152384 (XB1) MFT ~ Combat Assault Team (CATS) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupid=3096879 All clans are divisions of the “Moving Forward Together” -”MFT Gaming Community” Our requirements are simple: Join our Discord, Be respectful & have a good sense of humor. Our goal is to remain drama free. No age restrictions for us (but if you fall into that loud, vulgar, annoying, wild, raging category that doesn't know how to be a part of a team- we'd rather you didn't join) We want to ensure you that we intend to maintain a very well balance family atmosphere that will enable us to learn from one another.