After a good 10 years, i give up. This game is not going to be fixed, we have issues here that have existed since the launch of D1, the comedy of what bungie is now compared to 9 years ago is an absolute JOKE.
This is my final note to the Destiny community, i love you guys but i cant stand playing this game anymore, all it is is just the constant cycle of Bungie doing nothing while pretending to be the best game dev ever. Im done.
PS, i know this is going to get downvoted into hell because people have stockholme syndrome for this dev so yeah i know whats gonna happen here.
Edited by Azeirz: 10/9/2019 5:44:19 AMAgree I’ve been supporting bungie since the original Xbox with halo combat evolved waited in line for halo 2 then waited in line for halo 3 then got halo 3 ODST then got halo wars then reach then got destiny bought it on 360 then went to Xbox one then went to ps4 then bought destiny 2 on Xbox and ps4 but after this garbage a s s dlc I think I’m done as well it’s been a long run but bungie ain’t bungie anymore :/