[quote][quote]The reason why one would say something like this is because these forums are filled with melodrama, and there is, quite frankly, no way to distinguish the actual real complaints and comments from said melodrama. I'm tired of it, and so are many others. It's why these forums are only really filled with the people who don't want to make a reddit account. People get extremely tired of stuff like this, really fast.Perhaps you don't see the reasoning behind it, but that doesn't mean the person is -blam!-ing insane.[/quote]
Why do you think that you, Lew, or anyone else is responsible for deciding if another player is being melodramatic or truthful when leaving feedback for Bungie?
If you are tired of it don’t read posts with titles about quitting the game. Reddit is a safe space echo chamber for people who don’t really want to discuss the game. That’s fine. Plenty of memes there to enjoy.
The reasoning behind it is that people who think they have a right to tell other player to delete their characters are insane and toxic.[/quote]
I see no feedback in the original post. You are treating it as such, but it is quite literally nothing if not melodrama. The guy just says "I've been a fan of bungie for ten years and now I'm leaving," with some filler words in between. Yeah he throws in some "bungie does nothing" but that is by no means substantial feedback.
Also, since we're on this train of thought, it's insane to tell me what I should and should not read.
Anyone, and everyone, is allowed to read anything, and express their thoughts on that thing, and I think they should all be given the common decency of not being called a psychopath.
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