I'll summarize...
It's called "The Sum of All Hate" and is the weapon that will be scattered in pieces around the Oryx Ship. As you find pieces to the weapon, a sound clip will play of a random YouTube hater, bashing Bungie and Destiny for reasons known or unknown to some of us. After collecting all 50 pieces and subjecting yourself to 50 clips of angry YouTube personalities, you go to Variks to fill you're new weapon with the Hate you've endured. Apparently a thick, black, smoke-like animation fills the weapon, as the famous Angry Joe Destiny rant is playing, symbolizing that "THE SUM OF ALL HATE" is entering the weapon. It's apparently an Auto Rifle with 50 rounds, symbolizing again the 50 hateful Youtubers and the 50 whining complaints. It will also sport '90s style graffiti on it, representing hate and destruction I guess. Pretty awesome huh Guardians?
Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 10/9/2019 1:18:18 PMLMAO! How things have changed.