Just a little bit of advice. If you want to prove a point, don’t say disbelievers are mentally ill. It makes you sound pretty dumb.
congrats, youre one of the mentally ill.
Edited by Krantzstone: 10/9/2019 8:09:52 PMIt is definitely ableist/sanist to imply that erroneous people are mentally ill. But be aware that 'd*mb' is an ableist slur referencing Deaf/Mute people and equating people who can't speak, with 'stupidity' (which is itself an ableist pejorative, when really they mean 'willfully ignorant'). https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/magazine/stupid-is-an-ableist-slur-breaking-down-defenses-around-ableist-language-liberating-our-words/
I have become the very thing I swore to destroy.
I would expect no less from somebody that posts a 'break up letter' on a video game forum. ;)