I'm with you
I want nightfall like D1
Don't like doing 5 nightfall to get power
Can't get myself to do 3 Hunt's for power
I think free to play got more content then my 40$ did
Don't like the battle pass
They cut down on a lot of stuff and ways to get power
Infuse is bad and that's what started my disappoint
Maybe I'll be back one day... but for now time to play something else
If you think about it you spent way more than 40 to get to this point. Think about how much you spent on stuff that is -blam!-ing free now... Pisses me off bad.
I'm glad someone mentioned about the insane time sink for powerful drops now. Then it drops something for your highest power slot more times than it statistically should. I seriously doubt the game has genuine statistical based rng. The code for drops is some psychological behaviour manipulation bullshit.
[quote]I want nightfall like D1 Don't like doing 5 nightfall to get power[/quote] I'd say the nightfalls are more like D1 now, they're not a cake walk anymore you have to actually think about what you're gonna bring in. As for the 'doing it 5 times' it clearly says doing higher difficulties nets you more progress aka you don't have to do it 5 times. [quote]Don't like the battle pass[/quote] You don't like free materials, exotics, enhancement cores, and etc for playing the game..? [quote]They cut down on a lot of stuff and ways to get power[/quote] Because if they didn't there'd be an insane amount of powerful drops, quite frankly they needed to cut back. [quote]Infuse is bad and that's what started my disappoint[/quote] HOW??? They made it cheaper and made it so you can use any planetary materials you want for any piece of gear/weapon.
All I'm trying to say is I don't want to do this anymore every dlc But u left out the part that the free to play got more content ... I like your point of view for the short term...I'm looking at what's next Thanks bud
I left that part out because im not going there, you knew long advance what was gonna happen you could have canceled your pre order or whatever. I pointed out the parts where your seemly complaining just to complain or just flat out didn't read something like the case for nightfalls and infusion. Also for someone who says "you're looking for whats next" you sure don't think very far ahead. Thanks bud.
Interressting ... I like you !! Glad to see that you cared enough about my post ...
I like better Rik point of view
Edited by Rik: 10/10/2019 3:24:01 AMHmm, not really.