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originally posted in: My goodbye to Bungie
10/10/2019 11:19:37 AM
100% agree about PvP. It's awful and it brings down the rest of the game by existing. That's almost unarguable. And yeah preference is definitely subjective. And good on you for liking borderlands, I love it too, mostly the charm of its world and how it doesn't take itself seriously. That being said, if the community was chomping at the bit to criticize BL with the Adamance that they have for criticizing destiny, it wouldn't last a single day. Most of the criticisms of destiny apply to BL and many more do as well. However, people refuse to be objective and are judicious in their application if criticism. There are criticisms of destiny that no one would dare apply to any other game and that would absolutely apply to BL and many more games.

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