originally posted in:Clan Finder
Title says pretty much everything. I work 10 hour work days, but I do get Friday to Sunday off. I do have a real life outside of gaming so I can't play as much as i would like. I played when D2 first launched, did the first raid (didn't finish the last boss) and that's pretty much it. I also have my account linked to my PS4 Pro if that matters at all. Once I get my gear up high enough, and if I have the time I wouldn't mind doing some raiding of the new stuff or even the older content.
Steam Name: Eneroth
Edited by Mythical: 10/20/2019 6:39:12 PMTheBlueBandits Nothing is required https://discord.gg/GUHp5S Optional Invite sent
Hello! We are clan DoomWare! We are mainly located in asia and mainly focused on PC. However, we wouldn't mind taking anyone! We are very friendly and just a group of people looking to enjoy our free time. We are quite active, sometimes going up to 12 hours per day and we don't mind doing basically anything from raids to nightfall. At the end of the day, we are mainly focused on having fun! Clan: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3925111 Discord: https://discord.gg/mJcu4zz