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Clan Recruitment

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
10/16/2019 5:41:19 PM

Active hunter main (19) looking for a clan

I play basically everyday, am quite good in the crucible, not so much in gambit and I can properly operate in a team ^^

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  • Trash Brigade is Recruiting [PC] NA/EU |17+| [Mic Required For Raids] Trash Brigade is a Multigaming Community that strives to be a hub for gamers to socialize and teamup. Whether that be casually or competatively. Since Destiny 2 has recently gone on steam F2P we will be kickstarting a clan. So if you are interested in playing with some peeps/helping out or have any questions check us out! Clan: Second Branch: Discord:

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  • Hi im a admin from a clan called Mandalore Rises. Xbox One Clan, 18+ [url=] [/url] The clan is still early on with just close to 60 members. We are looking for active destiny users that are friendly. Play when you can as long as theres no extraordinary long absences you will be fine. We have a couple of Excellent raid teachers and are overall friendly easy going people willing to hop in and play. We do have a discord (discord is required) that we plan on using to organize and manage clan activity and such. Other than age and discord there are no other requirements I know we arnt crazy big but every member helps to grow our community and we would love to have u. We do all content and We accept ppl from everywhere and have several members from australia and uk. Any questions or concerns feel free to contact any admin at anytime.

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  • Knäckebröderna is a Swedish PS4 clan looking for another Raider in our raid group. We are raiding wednesday and sunday 21:00 to 23:00 (more evenings during progress). We are experienced and have cleared all raids up til now. Our raidparties are all swedes so need to talk swenglish :) Check out our #Destiny2 clan!

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  • Check out our #Destiny2 clan!

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