Do you think you have an eye for style? Submit a link to a picture of your best dressed Guardian below. We will choose our favorites and feature them in next week’s TWAB.
Fashion week has ended. You can see the [url=]winners here[/url]. Keep an eye out for another Fashion Week in the future.
Hope you like my hunter 😁
- Here's my hunter
The power of the Vex! My warlock : [url][/url] Bungie Profile : [url][/url]
[i]"I'll punch my way there if I have to!"[/i] My Titan: Bungie Profile: Steam Profile:
For this event I chose an angle from the side for the picture, as I feel the lines of the leg adornments with crisp pink and white do a good job of transitioning to the cloak. Visually it's more fluid and ergonomic. This is my first forum post ever, please enjoy! My account may look very barebones, but that's because I lost the account I had been using since Halo 3 haha. Either way, I hope you enjoy the outfit with matching ghost shell! Profile: Outfit:
I tried my best with what I had. [url=]Hunt Them All[/url] [url=]Eye of Death[/url]
Edited by TONYREALI: 10/23/2019 7:13:50 AMTONYREALI presents: Skip-It Hunter This build is functional, yet stylish! It's all about chucking grenades and using tempest storm to sweep up the mess! A max discipline stat and Shinobu's Vow mean you're tossing a grenade every 16 seconds. Gambler's dodge means if you missed on the first clean up swing, take another! As a bonus for the season, equipping Arc Battery from the seasonal artifact means you're almost never without an over shield! Subclass: Way of the Current (Middle) - Skip Grenade - Gambler's Dodge - Strafe Jump All armor is Dreambane with the exception of Shinobu's Vow. The designed to compliment the Omega Mechanos leg armor (my favorite armor set from Y1), specifically the permanent Metro Shift blue on the pants. Helmet: Qiao's Grin (Ornament) - Metro Shift Gauntlets: Shinobu's Vow (Exotic) - Monochromatic Chest: Phenotype Plasticity Vest (Ornament) - Monochromatic Leg: Omega Mechanos Strides (Ornament) - Monochromatic Cloak: Winterhart Cloak (Ornament) - Metro Shift Full Stats: Front: Rear:
My shiny hunter: [url][/url]
Hopefully it's not too late, here's my Submission : [url][/url] Profile : [url][/url] Started playing on PS4 then switched over to pc, couldn't abandon my OG guardians when cross-save happened because they looked too damn good, ended up playing all six on pc :P Good luck everyone!
- Royal hunter
Golden Vernal Pictures - Profile - Random legendary armor with vernal growth ornaments + ophidian aspect with the caduceus ornament. All of the armor and weapons have the malachite gold shader as well.
My guardian: Decided to see what I could do with the eververse ornaments I had and the beautiful Iron Mossbone shader. Helmet: Skerren Corvus Mask Gauntlets: Neoteric Kiyot Grasps Chest: Vest of Optimacy Leg: Neoteric Kiyot Strides Cloak: Vernal Growth Cloak
Edited by HomeyGdog: 10/23/2019 6:37:39 AMHopefully it isn't too late to submit our characters. Here is my Hunter wearing all sorts of armor Heres a link to my profile:
My guardian: [url][/url] Profile: [url][/url]
[url=]Halo Grunt Boi[/url]
[i]It's a damn shame hearing these newbies talk about Gambit like it's something Shaxx made up. Sooner or later, they're going to find out that crossing the line is a one-way trip.[/i] Collage: [url][/url] Just a profile: [url][/url] My profile: [url][/url]
[url=]Night's Wraith[/url] [url=]Profile[/url] --- [b]Helmet[/b]: Helm of the Ace-Defiant - [i]Shader[/i]: Night's Chill [b]Arms[/b]: Qaio's Care (Ornament) - [i]Shader[/i]: Refurbished Black Armory [b]Chest[/b]: Perun's Iron Cuirass (Ornament) - [i]Shader[/i]: Refurbished Black Armory [b]Legs[/b]: Legs of Optimacy (Ornament) - [i]Shader[/i]: Refurbished Black Armory [b]Mark[/b]: Efrideet's Iron Cloak (Ornament) - [i]Shader[/i]: Refurbished Black Armory
Edited by Vondy: 10/23/2019 4:56:03 AMSo why is it that you can’t make every armor that we have ever obtained a universal ornament? Example: trials gear,IB season 1, faction armor, etc... you guys made great progress with giving us universal ornaments, but it would be better if it were complete.
Edited by XXII: 10/23/2019 4:55:06 AMShaxx's Gold Medal Redjack
Here are my submissions! Enjoy! [spoiler]Sorry, all out of salt.[/spoiler]
[url][/url] [url][/url]
Edited by Lost: 10/22/2019 4:41:26 PMMy Hunter
I tried! Hoping to win :) Profile: Submission: