Do you think you have an eye for style? Submit a link to a picture of your best dressed Guardian below. We will choose our favorites and feature them in next week’s TWAB.
Fashion week has ended. You can see the [url=]winners here[/url]. Keep an eye out for another Fashion Week in the future.
[url][/url] First off is my titan wearing the full empyrean set with Helm of Saint 14, my interpretation of the fabled Saint 14 himself, corrupted by the Sol Progeny & reincarnated with the darkness by his side. Little bit of vex lore headcanon I dreamt up and have been thinking about for a while. [url][/url] And here we have the man himself, Dredgen Yor, sporting the Thorn as well as the full crucible set. Shader being used on both is the new one from Season of the Undying, Oiled gunmetal.