Do you think you have an eye for style? Submit a link to a picture of your best dressed Guardian below. We will choose our favorites and feature them in next week’s TWAB.
Fashion week has ended. You can see the [url=]winners here[/url]. Keep an eye out for another Fashion Week in the future.
Edited by mistformsquirrel: 10/19/2019 9:21:42 PMPride of the Tower, Leonine Titan I just went ahead and did a whole theme like I've been doing on Reddit cause well... I'm a nerd. In case the pic doesn't show naturally. Stuff used: Head - Torobatl Celebration Mask - Iron Oxide Torso - Sovereign Plate, Sovereign Lion Ornament - Iron Mossbone Arms - Emyprean Cartographer Ornament - Iron Mossbone Legs - Lion Rampant (Exotic) - Iron Mossbone Mark - Solstice Mark (Majestic) - New Monarchy Succession Rifle - Loquitor IV - House of Meyrin Sword - Striker's Sure Hand - New Monarchy Succession Ghost - Sanctified Vigilance Shell - Iron Mossbone Ship - Leonine Carrack - Iron Mossbone Sparrow - Leonine Courser - Iron Mossbone Emblem - Sigil of the New Monarch My Profile -