Hey Guardians,
Just saw that D2 went F2P recently so I decided to pick it up after not playing since D1 many, many years ago. I got it for PC on steam since I don't have the new consoles (heh, "new"), but when I logged in, none of my D1 character profiles had transferred over (Just shows a character creation screen, and yes I know it is just the looks, but still wanted to know if I could get them back). I had 3 characters, all level forty which I'm positive meet the requirements for the data transfer that Bungie did in 2017. I have linked the xbox live account (now inactive) that the characters were on to y steam account but still no luck. Any help regarding this issue would be appreciated. Later!
Allo there, The transfer only worked for those going from D1 to D2 on console. Since destiny 1 has never been on PC, all pc players are treated as new players and have to make new characters.